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Took one fucking look at your face,
now I want to know how you taste

Took one fucking look at your face, now I want to know how you taste

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I'm sure this was my hundred time mentioning it but I've been planing Harper's sweet sixteen party for quite a while now. I didn't exactly know how long but I knew that I wanted it to be perfect for her.

She placed me in charge of literally everything not that I minded. Ordering people around had already become a hobby of mine.

Is this why teachers loved being teachers?

I realized that I wanted her party to be perfect because in a sense it was the sweet sixteen that I never had.

My sixteenth birthday only consisted of sex, booze, and well.......more sex. Which is why I did everything in my power to make sure her night was memorable.

"Miss Noveila I've been trying to reach you all evening, we can't seem to find the pink baskets anywhere and I swear that they were-

One of the party helpers continued to rant in front of me but I didn't want to hear this. Especially not now on the day of the party.

"I'm going to stop you right there, we've had multiple months to plan for this so I'll tell you what." I leaned down making sure to get in her face.

"If I don't see those pink fucking baskets on that glittery ass table you and your posse will all be fired you get that missy?" I threatened as she nodded her head quickly showing that she understood.

I didn't know that I had caused a scene until I saw people staring our way.

"Good evening everyone, please carry on." I said sweetly with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Look all you want but they've hand plenty of time to get everything together and if I saw anything else out of place I would cause a scene again. Nobody would fuck this up her and I meant every word that I said.

I already had on my tight silk light pink dress with strap on heels to match because the party was about to start in five minutes.

I looked over to see Nicholas heading my way.

His hair was freshly cut and he wore a black tux that fit him very well. Adeline was lucky if you asked me and I'm sure that she knew it to.

Nicholas chuckled next to me. "I'd hate to see you planning your wedding, you'd be prefect for the show bridezilla's." He joked.

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