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Angels like you can't fly down here with me

Angels like you can't fly down here with me

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"So what you're saying is that she's mine?" The statement took her by surprise and there was nothing but silence. His disbelief was disheartening to her to say the least but still she loved him in and every way there was possible.

She found herself many times hating herself for her blindness for being in love. She wondered just when would she be able to break the chains that held on so deep within her. She wondered would he finally get too angry? Would he hit her too hard or kill her? What would be the undoing?

He's done plenty of those things and still, it wasn't enough to shake her. She stood by his side through thick and thin. However, this drew the line disowning his own flesh and blood was something she'd never be able to come back from.

"What are you saying Lucian? That I slept with someone else?! There's been no one else but you!" She screamed. The tears falling endlessly down her face, burning her cheeks like a warm fire from a furnace.

He hesitated before getting up from the wooden chair sighing and also running his hand through his hair.

"Do you love me?" He suddenly asked her.

The question didn't seem like one at all because she already knew the answer and so did he. Yet still, she nodded wrapping both of her hands around his neck because she still believed and held on to some bit of hope.

"Do you trust me?" He asked another rhetorical question and still, she answered wholeheartedly.

"Give it up for adoption, let's become the king and queen of Jacksonville once in for all." Slowly but surely the smile dropped from her face because it became clear to her what she must do......

I rose from the bed in a cold sweat dripping down my forehead and my heart thumping against my chest.

I lay my head back down resting it on a silky white pillow that I instantly didn't recognize. I clutched the white sheets placing them over my naked body to shield me. White sheets?

My bed didn't even have white sheets.

It only took me a couple of seconds more to realize that I was not home. The door opening to the bathroom confirms it as a guy with a towel wrapped around his waist steps out. The mysterious man was none other than my anatomy teacher Mr. Grey. It was obvious that he had just taken a shower from how the droplets of water ran down his toned body.

His hair also looked freshly wet and a little rough which made him look even more desirable. Don't let me get started on his predominant v-line. The sight of it made my mouth water, it was always something that I loved on a man. I didn't notice that I was basically checking him out until I realized the smile that covered my face. Damn, I had a taste of this last night?

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