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Don't tell me to shut up
When you know you talk too much

Don't tell me to shut upWhen you know you talk too much

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(Not edited)

"STEP THE HELL FORWARD MCKNIGHT!" I hear a man shout. I was locked in something that looked to be a jail cell, rusted from top to bottom. I was dressed in a blue jump suit surprised it wasn't orange.

My body was slumped against the tile underneath as it tried to prepare for the second round of beatings today. All I wanted to do was rest for just a moment but I had to stay alert for my sake.

"MCKNIGHT!" I heard him yell again. I couldn't see his face in the dark only a shadow of his body.

"Can you shut up?" I asked not even having the energy to raise my voice.

"Get up I'm not going to ask you again." He said clearly aggravated but little did he know I was too. His voice was highly irritating not to mention his need to yell when I only sat a few yards from were he stood.

Not wanting to hear another word out of him I get up only to silently grunt to myself in pain. I wouldn't give him the pleasure to see how much pain that I was in, I'd rather die than give him satisfaction.

He stood outside of the cell only inches from the front of the bars. As I finally stood up I walked closer to him towering over him with my height. I watched a flash of fear crossed his face and it pleased me greatly.

"Yell my name again and I swear that you never get to speak again, because I will cut your tongue out and feed it to the rats in here." I threatened him leaning further to wrap my hands around the bars.

"Now back to what I was saying, I'm up what do you want?" I ask reaching to grab his shirt with my fists.

Smashing his head against the cell bars as I pulled him swiftly towards me.

Suddenly a chuckle and the sound of slow clapping took me out of my element. The rookie groans in pain clutching his head as blood ran down his face. Once again I couldn't see who the new intruder was but I knew that it was someone powerful.

The goon disappeared into the dark experiencing another round of pain as someone punched him in the face knocking him to the ground.

"You were always so hot-headed as a little child, it's nice to see you as a man finally."

As soon as the man in the dark spoke I recognized his voice and I hated how he talked to me like we were some type of extended family.

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