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You had fallen to sleep quite late that night.
It was bound to happen, bearing in mind what you had done together.
The shaking, the noise, the aftermath.
You were falling.. in love.
You weren't going to admit it. You didn't want to. 
You couldn't.
Not in the circumstances you were in.

For now though you were at ease. His bed almost hugging you with the heavy blankets and dreams taking you over. You seemed so peaceful.
"Wake up."
You did not move. You heard him but you were not quite out of your unconscious state of mind.
Heimdall walked to the bedside and grazed your cheek lightly.
An eye opened weakly, adjusting to the light he looked like shining gold. His hair out and down, his shirt nowhere to be seen and concentrating enough you could spot slight marks on his chest and shoulders. Your eyes widened as you remembered the night you had.
Memories crashing back to you like waves against the beach.

You leapt up, wrapping your arms around his neck. He seemed shocked but hugged you around your stomach.
"We need to go somewhere today."
You sighed in dismay. You could stay in bed with him all day. You did not want to go anywhere else. Or do anything else.

But you had to. That was your duty.
Your job.

"Where is it?"
"I will not be going."
Your stomach dropped.
You parted out of his grip, the clear look on your face that you knew what he was going to say.
"You and Anikka are going somewhere for me."
Your eyes clouded over and lips raised in dread, your canines bared at him.
"Do not go against your better judgement, darling."
"My judgement..is that she will die by my hands."
"Are you so sure?"

You didn't continue instead, you got to your feet out of the comforts of the bed. He watched you grab clothes to wear for a little while.
"Fine. I will go."
"Where are you gonna go first?"
"To get my clothes I should be wearing for this damn job."

You grabbed your sword and trapped it to your hip before grabbing your boots and slipping your feet into them.
Heimdall leaned on the table with his hands, his gaze never leaving you. You turned to him from the front door.
"Where will I meet you?"
"I will find you."
"My chief said that to me."
You left the house and knew exactly where you were going.

Were you ready?
Well you had to just find out in the moment.

You raised the collar of your shirt that you stole once again. You didn't know how visible the hickies were and you didn't want anyone else to find out.

Especially not Thrud.

Or sif..

Or Thor.

. . .

"Come in, the door is not locked!"
A teens voice called to the door as knocks filled the mostly soundless home.
The door knob turned and as you stepped in you saw Thrud.
Thrud saw you.
Anxiety was the first thing to fill your body.


She sounded less upset and angry but almost..hopeful. She looked as though she had just been training. Sweat dripped down her forehead and exposed arms. Her usual outfit looked as though there was mud and blood spatter sprayed againts it.
"Thrud..what happened to you."
"Just..valkyrie training.."
She got to her feet, her posture showing awkward and uncomfortable emotion.
You looked around.
No one dared talk.

"Y/N, is that you?"
It was Sif, once again coming to your rescue. Jogging past Thrud with a smile on your face as you followed the sound of her tender voice.
"Y/N, I'm so glad to see you, *min kjærlighet."
You came to a stop as you stood a little away from her on her chair and desk.
"I have never heard of that phrase. What does it mean?"
You knew most of the language she was teaching you but you did not know everything.
"It means *My love."
Thrud's voice could be distinguished from behind you. You got out of her way and sat on the end of the bed to accompany both of them.
"I'm so glad to be home. Is there something you need? It's early, for you that Is."
Both you and Thrud started to giggle at Sif's comment.
"Ahh, new life. I.. fixed things with Heimdall. So I'm back working."
"Ahh, I'm proud."
"So you have to go anywhere?"
You answered Sif first with a thankyou before turning to Thrud.
You were still angry, you couldn't help it. But it was fading at her smile.
"I'm going with...Anikka. Heimdall is setting both of us on a job together. Then we get ready tomorrow. Then it's the ceremony.."
Your voice trailing off made Sif look at you with a hint of confusion and concern.
"You don't seem happy by those plans, Y/N."
You took a deep breath and held the side of your head.
"We are getting bonded. So is..Anikka."
Thrud spoke up abruptly,
"Anikka!? Do you mean..Anikka Anikka? That stuck up bi-"
Sif hissed at her daughter, cutting her off from swearing.
Sif shook her head and sighed deeply, resting her eyes on you.
"I can understand why you don't like Anikka. I used to know her mother. But it is between Heimdall and his morals."
You nodded in slight sorrow.

Your collar fell and a bruise type mark started to become more and more visible.
Sif noticed and stood quickly catching both you and Thrud off guard. Her mood changed seconds after she grabbed your shirt and readjusted the collar of your shirt.
You didn't speak as your heart sank.
"Thrud can you leave us be for a moment?"
She didn't argue but just slowly turned away, leaving both you and Sif in the room. She was very close but as Thrud left she stepped backwards from you. You didn't say anything, only holding the wooden frame.

She didn't comment on your mark but you could tell she knew. She handed you your clothes that you had ripped by accident. Well Heimdall had ripped it. He pushed you. You fell.

Not your fault all too much.

Didn't matter right now.

"Thank you, I need these."
She turned away from you back to her desk.
"Who gave them to you?"
You seemed paralyzed by her words. Like the chills you got cut your spinal cord.
You didn't breathe.
"It..was a stupid fling..a few nights ago.."
"Who. Was. It. Y/N."
You closed your eyes from her sombre temper.
You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to say Heimdall. You couldn't say what had happened between you and him last night. Neither the night before.

Fuck, what do I say!?
"Kiah? That boy you used to like?"
"Did you-"
You covered your mouth from the shock of your own tone.
She glared at you over her shoulder.
"I'm sorry.."
"You can go. We shall talk later."
Her words felt like an anxiety attack in itself.

You rushed out of the room and to the front door.
Thrud was not quick enough as she called to you.
You were gone by the time your name left her name.
Ahhh shit..

. . .

(Early post because the 15th chapter is coming, be PREPARED!)

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