𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠

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This is an early post because of new years:D
Please enjoy and happy New year belovedz

"Where were you?"
Sitting on Heimdall's chair in his new house he was renting for himself. His house was very nicely laid out and was spotless. Beautiful wood used to make the house and pleasing decorations. Few things out but the doors were closed to each room so you didn't know what was where. It was a fair walk from where hed just previously saved your ass an hour or so before hand.

You had bruised ribs and cheek, your knee area on your pants had Boneless's dried blood that had pissed out of his face when you broke his nose.
That's what he gets for tryna pin you down.
"What do you mean?"
He was kneeling down to you and had your shirt lifted as he was applying an ointment to your darkening contusions.
It felt tingly and made your skin feel freezing where ever it touched like winter in a paste.
"You very well know what I mean. Three weeks gone, Y/N. Where were you?"
Your attempt to scoff turned into a slight wince as your ribs sent spikes of pain up and down your side.
"Hold still."
You looked down at him as he stared at you side trying to be as careful as he could, all he needed to do now was bandage it.
"I was taking a..break."
Hesitation sounded like dishonesty to Heimdall. He looked up at you with unconvinced eyes. You had noticed that his braids were coming loose over the three weeks you'd been away. You made eye contact with Heimdall, your lips turning into a slight frown.
"I know, ok. I know. I was home or going on walks by myself."
Heimdall placed a hand on the ground as he balanced himself. Gazing blankly up at you. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"You blame yourself. I know you do. I also know when we argued you did not want to have a go at me."
He didn't seem as though he was angry or dissapointed nor upset with you.
Just plainly honest.
"Then why were your words so harsh?"
You asked, tilting your head and you expression seeming hurt and confused. His eyes clouded over and he let go of your shirt.
He ignored your question.

"Take your coat off and your undershirt."
You sat there frozen.
"Excuse me?"
Heimdall held a rolled up cloth in one hand with a sharp pin type thing in the other.
"You have to keep it covered. Keep your mind clear your thoughts are..sinfull."
You stood up, feeling unsure and insecure as you slipped your coat off.
Heimdall had let you borrow it from him when you got to the house to help you warm up. He turned away to his little table besides the chair that had an oil lamp that was lit to bring light to the room and papers scattered across it. You couldn't read them as they were too scrambled for you to perusal.
Lifting your undershirt was a different problem as you couldn't lift your arm very well from the wound.
"Move your hands."
You stared at Heimdall as he ordered you to drop your shirt hem. You, confused, did as he asked and he grabbed your clothing and started to lift. Your face going a slight red shade, your eyes widening. His hands brushed against your soft stomach. Tingles ran down your body, touched deprived from lack of positive handling.
Lifting the garment over your head and off your body he dropped it on the chair behind you. Leaning forward as he did his breath hit your bare shoulder. Your eyes avoiding Heimdall's gaze in embarrassment.
Heimdall slowly placed the bandage on the opposite side of your wound and started to wrap you. You kept your arms lifted and your breathing calm.
Your mind though? Nup.

"Is this necessary?"
Your question broke the earie silence that had taken over the room.
"This is essential to the healing process, yes, foolish child."
"I am not a child."
"You actions tell me different."
He answered you grimly. You nodded carefully but irritated, trying not to touch him as his body was so close to yours.

You saw Heimdall up close from the corner of your eye. His slight stubble growing on his jaw line and chin and above his lip. His nose had a few little bumps as though it had been broken before and healed by itself. You wonder who was brave enough to try land a hand on him. Or who more importantly managed to lay a hand on him at all. He heard your thoughts clearly as he answered your mind.
"I was young. Not quiet your age. I had my foresight but not my reaction time I do now. I was sparring Baldur before a crowd. The All Father and former Valkyrie Queen Vanadís...Freya...Watching us also. He broke my nose 10 minutes in. Split my lip. He got the applause he desired so much."
"Who won?"
"I did."
His response felt cold and menacing. Like he killed Baldur himself. Like he had committed a crime that was to be spoken of only in private.
"Your lip.."
You touched his face tenderly. He was pinning the bandage when he halted. Eyes bounding from your body to your eyes that were studying his lips. A thump dragging over them delicately.
"Has no scar.."
Heimdall leaned into the touch and you had opened his mouth a sliver with you thumb. Eyes meeting the bifrost that were very close to yours.
A hand of his had slid over your hip to your back as your hips pressed together. You could feel him touch your lower back and his other hand touching your arm that aided your hand to hold his face. Eyes hazy, almost hypnotized by each other.
You looked down, breaking the trance. Heimdall lifted your face to look at you again.
"You are very tempting."
Your words like a whisper and he smiled back. Gaping at either your eyes or lips his attention switched from one to the other. You leant in slowly, eyes glowing and you sealed the deal.

Lips touching lips softly with nagging feeling for more. Leaning into him more you grabbed his shirt with a free hand, his hand pressing you into him as you both depended the kiss.
Breaking it momentarily he peered down at you, tilted his head, stumped by your break off.
"I'm not mad at you anymore.."
Heimdall let a quick half hearted snicker leave him before he grabbed your legs. A yelp then laugh left you as you lifted you with ease, legs wrapping around his waste as his hands supported you by them being placed on your ass.
Holding his face with both hands you kissed him again and again, walking with you he pressed you up on the door to his bedroom. Letting you go briefly to open the door before carrying you in. His foot closing the entrance to his clean room that smelt of him in the best ways. He was weary of your injuries but they were the last thing on your mind.

He sat down on the end of the bed, sitting on his lap, legs either side of his hips, arms wrapped around his neck as he had silently asked with his tongue to let him in by sliding across your own.
Opening your mouth you went in first with tongue beating him to it.
Small, vulnerable sounds escaped both of you between each wet embrace.
His hands holding your hips as he pushed you against him, slow and moderate grinding being performed.
Until it wasn't.
"Open the door!"

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