𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝔾𝕠𝕟𝕖...ℙ𝕙𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝?

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"So your my mentor?"
You asked, walking behind Heimdall, your eyes glued to him as you followed quickly. You weren't sure where you were walking as you asked that earlier and got no response.
He didn't respond this time either, an eary detachment between the both of you.
It was early of course but he seemed awake enough to answer your questions.
"Well you'd have to be."
You answered yourself, your tone having a joking side to it but you seemed more annoyed then anything.
"So you watch over Asgard?"
You questioned him again, a glance struck your way but he remained silent.
He was leading you down roads and paths to whatever unknown destination you had to be at.
"So like..whats the horn for?"
Again ignored but you could feel the tension grow.
"If I'm gonna be working with you, the least you can do is answer me-"
As you were about to finish your sentences he spun around quickly. You weren't fast enough though and he pushed you back, falling on your backside.
You groaned and sat up, holding your lower back you looked up at Heimdall with a pressed look.
"First off. The horn? I blow this when it's the end of the world."
He said softly but harshly, grabbing the horn that hung on his hip and holded it out the front of him to you before lowering it. You were shocked as you didn't understand what he meant by end of the world. Well..yes and no.
"Second off. I don't Just watch over Asgard."
He sounded as if he was ashamed, like he was trying to prove a point that he was better then he seemed.
You positioned yourself to stand again only for Heimdall to place a foot firmly on your shoulder keeping you down.
You grabbed his boot and stared at him, barring your teeth.
Your canines were unusually sharp. Your pupils shrunk to thin lines in your eyes.
Heimdall scoffed.
"And you work for me, not with me."
You lowered your head slightly, looking into his eyes.
"Then what do you want me to do...sir."
He nudged your shoulder forward with his foot sharply before stepping back from you once again.
"Well if you'd stop asking me insensitive questions and just be seen and not heard, you'd probably already know by now. But your impulsive. Erratic. Obnoxious. A pain in my fucking ass."
You hissed slightly as you stood up, holding the shoulder that had been leant on.
"Well your not all that pleasent, either."
"It's not my job to be."
He snapped in response, turning he continued to walk. You felt as though his words affected you more then your words had affected him.
None the less what was said was true.
He really is an asshole.
"As you may think that, keep your head out of your ass for 5 minutes and get ready."
As Hiemdall stopped, you found yourself arriving at a massive pen. As you continued to walk cautiously you took in the scenery. A circular shape and no grass to be seen within the gates. You spotted a water troff or two laying around as well as a large pole under a tree hanging over the side of the fence with a few ropes around it. You looked beyond that to the houses hundreds of feet away, a clear path to the area where youd just walked from. Grass and plant life grew outside of this pen.
"This is where I'm going to train you."
He called to you as he stood quiet a bit away from you. Arms out stretched as if to welcome you to his domain.
You eyed him, hand by your sword.
"You will become affceint at battle and your skills both emotionally, physically and psychologically with enhance if you follow my instructions and practise."
His tone seemed to be calmer but there was always this cocky undertone to it.
Like he always had something to prove.
It was starting to piss you off.
"And if I don't?"
You called back, the God seeming to get increasingly more agitated as you questioned his ethics.
"That's a big 'if'"
He retaliated, standing up straight. You couldn't help but watch his every move as though you were expecting him to draw his sword and attempt to end you right here the further you pissed him off.
"I don't know nor trust you."
You answered, squinting in the sun, a hand coming to your aid as you did your best to block it out.
"I do not intend to take you out for drinks just for you mortal morals to align with mine."
He seemed to be getting harsher, but all you could do was smirk as he finished speaking to you. His eyes locked on you.
"Why not? Get you to loosen up. You seem very uptight. A few drinks, a massage and a good time you'll be right as rain."
This remark didn't sit right with Heimdall, not one bit. Neither the remark along the lines of you being mortal sat comfortably with you. Heimdall chuckled and without a second warning lashed out. His movement moving at you faster then you could comprehend. But as you came to your senses you were on the ground a 80 feet away.
Winded, you tried to inhale, an intense burning sensation filled your senses as you gasped trying to get up. After a few stumbles and a single tear you finally got to your feet. Heimdall watching you as though you were some comedy skit.
A helpless turtle on it's back.
The pain only seemed to worsen as your adrenaline kicked in. You were shaky but you were more angry.
"I will not tolerate inappropriate remarks from children."
Heimdall spat at you, his eyebrows furrowed together in a uncomfortable look of anger.
You took deep, out of breathe gasps for air as you stood side on stance, eyeing Heimdall.
"I am NOT a child." You growled, your hands clenching and relaxing as you rolled your shoulders, as though you were getting ready to fight Heimdall.

All this achieved an four and a half  hours later was an ass wooping and valuable information.
Heimdall had foresight, and you could not get close enough to lay a finger on him. Hed dodge, knowing exactly what you were gonna do.
This made you even more frustrated and as time had gone on you got so angry you kept losing your temper and stumbling. He made snarky remarks and criticed you over and over again, only making your frustrations rise.
"Fuck you!" You barked at Heimdall, bruised and scraped from being dropped and dragged on dirt and rocks. A few open cuts and dirty ripped pants and clothes. You stormed towards the entry that was now your beloved exit.
You could feel his cold eyes on you even in the warm sun.
"No thankyou."
You could hear the smirk in his tone even if you didn't look. You just kept walking towards the exit. Your face scrunched up holding back unwanted tears. You kept your head tilted down, your fists clenched so hard your knuckles and fingers were bruised but now turning white.
"You leaving, child?"
He called but somehow he caught up to you in mere seconds. A hand grabbing your upper arm from behind. You turned and balled your fists, teeth showing and a angry deep scream escaped you as you went to strike Heimdall.
You missed.
You executed it horribly and in turn ended up on your hands and knees behind Hiemdall, feeling like an even more dissapointment.
"That was..simply pathetic."
He chuckled, turning to you slowly as he mocked.

But he wasn't the only one mocking you. Heimdall turned to walk on but could read your anxious thoughts as your eyes laid on your now old training group.
All 15 of them gathering around the gates surrounding the entry and exit.
Your breathing hitched as you saw Kiah.
Kiah was a boy in your squad that you had grown quiet a connection to. You were both very different but very similair. He was a brunette boy, strong and toned, blue eyes. Freckles and peircings. Aesir cultural tattoos covering his arms and hands that were exposed as his sleeves were only rolled to his elbow. Your eyes met and you felt a knot in your chest as he smiled faintly to you. You made an awkward attempt to reciprocate the greeting but looked out of place.
You had forgotten Heimdall was there.
Until you felt his body and presence looming over you.
His chest grazing your back you stepped aside, looking at him with a expression that said 'what the fuck do you want!?'
You seemingly let him pass you, the people at the gates laughing and pointing or whispering and eyeing you. Your pupils shrinking again as you scrunched your nose at them.
Suppressing the earge yourself to incapacitate majority of them.
Heimdall and his charm decided to take the reigns as he read your emotions that were quiet loud to say the least.
You watched as he approached, you yourself walking slowly towards the God from behind.
"This is not your theatre and we are not your entertainment. Leave before this complication becomes more..physical."
He warned, the tone in his voice saying it all. The way he defended you was not necessary in your opinion.
The kids went mostly quiet and started to look at eachother like a flock of sheep.
One of them eventually spoke up.
"We can all assure you, Heimdall, you will not be pleased with such a..Bra for ingenting kjeltring.."
(A good for nothing scoundrel)
"Your opinions are far from valued you here. Leave, we are finished here so your play has ended. Come here again while I am training the only person who deserves to be in my presence by official papers, I will seek to it that you get hung on a wall.
My. Wall."
As you reached Heimdall a chill struck you, goosebumps covering you mostly. The kids looked between eachother, never really having experienced anything to do with Heimdall they all sort to hear out his warning and left immedently and quiet quickly at that. Heimdall looked over his shoulder at you, your eyes shining at him, he looked disgusted again and started to walk on back into the village.
"What was that face for!?"
You exclaimed, rushing after him, a bruise on your face becoming darker and darker around one of your eyes. You can feel it and as you touched the tender area you flinched and dropped your hand.
"Make sure to clean and treat your wounds efficiently. Your already hard enough to look at let alone look after."
You felt a dropping feeling in your stomach.
You replied softly, looking at the ground feeling defeated.
He ignored your thoughts and emotions as he brought you back to your dorm building. You walked to the door, looking back at him, lowering your head to silently thank him. He glared at you, as though everything he said was just a hoxe to fool the other kids. He could tell your questions were rising and what they were as he looked in your head.
He didn't care to answer and as you opened the door, turning away, he walked away. You didn't look back at him and instead sulked back to your room. You were physically exhausted but your mentalality was still awake.
Very awake.
You needed a drink.
You got other clothes and changed quickly as the sun had set and the cold refreshing night had set in. You needed time to process everything that had happened.
You opened your dorm room door and leant the sword against the door frame.
You needed an alcoholic drink.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now