ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕞 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗

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"Ah, the good ol' days, am I right?"
You laughed with Thor, his voice thundering throughout the halls amungts everyone else's voices. The night getting old as hours had passed by, cups of mead being served to Thor and he was sharing with you.
Even though you were technically banned.
Well, the owner could stand up to you but Thor?
Doubt it.
You both rambled, you getting more and more under the influence as you finished your beverages easily.
Mead was sweet at first but then a strong, strong alcoholic taste set in that burned.
You scrunched your nose the first few times, tears appearing shortly after but soon enough as you got more and more drunk, the feeling numbed itself.
"So, tell me Y/N. How was your first day?"
Thor asked, looking your way, taking large mouthfulls after he spoke.
He seemed to be fine the more he had, you..not so much.
You held your cup and lowered your head as you kept your eyes on the table. Marked by other people who have arrived and left from here. You scratched the table with your finger as you didn't want to think about what happened. You were foolish, your anger taking you over not even an hour into training.
And it wasn't even the beginning.
Thor sounded concerned as you put his cup down. His cup was the same size as yours but your hand looked like a child's hand unlike Thor's. His hand looked normal size to the cup.
You were staring at hands.
It really wasn't a good day.
You hesitated, unsure of how to sum it up. Thor didn't respond. He knew there was more.
"I went to his training ground. We sparred...i..i-i lost.."
Your words trailed off and your voice broke slightly. It was so much deeper then you losing a single fight.
Thor kept his eyes on you as you stared at the table, your eyes clouding over.
Thor had been there for everytime you won a fight or lost. Sif would tend to your wounds as you ranted to one of their kids or Sif herself. She would tell you off but not go too far. Thor would pat you on the back.
This was different.
"He is just so...infuriating!"
Your voice raised at the end, your hands balled into fists and slammed against the table. Thor didn't react but instead leaned back, hand on his knee and other on the table.
"I would know. I used to live with him. Work with him."
You looked up at Thor, his expression solemn as always. His eyes glistening in the warm light.
He nodded, looking wise.
"What was he like when he was younger..?"
Your tone curious as well as a sad undertone to it.
Thor paused, seeming as if he was thinking about it, like memories were flashing before him.
"We were young. Kids to teenagers. We both served under Odin but with an added member."
Confused you tilted your head at Thor.
"Who was it?"
You asked softly, a hand coming up and resting your head on it you were perched perfectly as you took in his features. His firery red hair tangled with little accessories placed randomly. His little marks and tattoos. You couldn't imagain him young. You had no idea how hed look.
Was he smaller? Did he have long hair? Short? Was he skinnier? Still chubby? Did he have all his tattoos? Less?
You snapped out of your thoughts as he spoke again.
"His name was Baldur. He was..loved. Very loved and favourites amongst us." Thors tone changed very subtly. You weren't sure what was going through his head. You had heard of Baldur. Quiet a lot actaully, he was extemely well known.
"He followed the All father's word like it was gold itself. We all did."
He continued, his face growing dark.
"Heimdall though, was jelous of Baldur. He took both Freya's and Odin's attention and love, leaving us nothing in his shadow. Heimdall found it somehwere else. He had met someone."
You felt a knot form in your stomach, your breath getting caught in your chest. Your eyebrows furrowed.
Your thoughts erratic.
"She was..beautiful, light of his life."
You felt a sick feeling rise in your stomach.
Why was this affecting you so much?
"She died."
You froze.
Eyes on Thor but not focused on anything.
You felt numb all over, your eyes lowering as you felt a wave of alcoholic hit your system.
"No one knows."
"Her name.."
"Thor. What was her name."
"Y/N, I shouldn't have told you."
You stood quickly, almost losing your balance. Thor leaned as he outstretched his arm and caught you. You pushed him away, stumbling towards and out the door.
You didn't know what was going on and as your vision became more and more impaired you felt your head become light.
Shaking your head and body you tried to move on only to find yourself falling to the ground.
People staring at you.
The feeling to throw up overwhelmed your senses.
Lunging and throwing yourself onto grass you held your knee and stomach as you chucked your guts up.
Yelling didn't not fix your frustrations. You didn't understand the emotion overwhelming you.
A large hand rested on your arm. You turned and it was Thor.
Squinting as tears started to roll down your cold face. Not a lot, but a noticable amount.
Drunk irrational emotions and thoughts taking you over like you were drowning.
Thor grabbed you and pulled you into a warm bear hug. Lifting you up and holding you like a baby. You were so fragile and small in his arms. He let out a small gruff sound as he held you close and carried you back to your dorm house. People looked away and you felt safe with him as you sniffled and wiped your tears.
"Calm yourself."
He said softly but his voice so deep you felt your eyes start to close.
The warm town lights blurring as your mind slowly shut itself off.
The last thing you remembered was the lights.
Those very pretty, warm lights.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now