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"Y/N, STOP!"
Heimdall was metres behind you, dry tears stained your cheeks and your eyes were puffy and sore.
The things you were told were so unclear yet clear. You couldn't decide what to try to work out first, the fact the only love of your life was going to die or that you could potentially be raising his kids?
You barely even had parents and some unknown god was going to tell you the fate of your life by meeting barely at a dinner?

Fists tense and mind racing so fast you were sure Heimdall was struggling to know what you were doing. Your intentions, even to you, were incredibly unclear.
Something inside you was bubbling, fear, future grief and anger, just plain emotions bubbling and mixing.
It was threatening to either give you a stomach ache of a psychotic snap.
One or another was very realistic right now.
Feeling after thought caused you to storm your way from the wall to outside Odin's home. Only because you'd slept there and your belongings were there and maybe some inch of relief and comfort could meet you somehow. 
"This is getting beyond ridiculous. Can you stop!?"
His arrogant tone did not catch up to you well. He really had the audacity to be a cocky bitch while you were having a mental breakdown over him.
You turned on your heels and walked at him, confident and hostile. The way you phrased the question was not looking for an answer, instead for him to shut up and sit down.
He stopped and raised his arm to protect himself, you looked like you were ready to rip his head off and feed his guts to his gulltoppr.

"You have no idea how much I stopped for you. You were just meant to stAY AND PROTECT THIS REALM!"
"Stay!? You are acting incredibly childish you idiot! What are you even talking about!?"
(Bloody purple-eyed, blonde-haired scum rot creature!)
Your voice got progressively louder and louder to the point you were screaming as loud as you could. In doing that though you were equally as intimidating as was your sore throat that was nearly immediately beginning to form.
A metre away from him he stared at you with a displeased, disgusted face. Heimdall never really expected you to react with such colourful, bilingual phrases.
At him, all of people.
Your eyes started to water once again and before you knew it you were a crying mess in front of him.
Sniffling and almost melting heimdall felt..remorse.
"I can't do it, Heimdall. I..i want to-"

It felt like time slowed down.
His response caught you very off guard, so in response you stood up straight, your face dropping and your tears slowing.
"Excuse me.."
"Do it."
He stepped forward, and for the first time in an open place where everyone could see he took it upon himself to give you affection.
Heimdall's hands took your shoulders and he pulled you in, you did not hug back you just leaned on him.
It was the best you could muster at that very moment in time.
"I will know soon enough, for now, I don't want you here. I don't wanna see you again till I say."
You didn't answer, not that you knew what to reply to that with, but you saw Vídarr approaching, eyes glowing and your heart picked up its pace.
"Get ready."
He said softly and you leaned away from him. His grip tightened on your shoulders. Your pupils compressed to lines and you looked at him with a scarred impression.

Birds appeared.

More and more birds circled you both.

He got closer, birds closing the light off. Pure panic filled you instead of your previous feelings. You reached out and gripped his shirt in your grip very tightly.

"No! Wait, I'm sorry!"

"Get out of my sight."

Then it all went dark and he was no longer holding you.
You were no longer holding him, it was just blank. You did not feel anything and you did not attempt to move or open your eyes after you pinned the shut.

You didn't even get to say goodbye.


. . .

I'm sorry its very dramatic and very short next chapter is the last 😭

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