UCW High Impact #89

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Before we start quick nod to Natedawg's IWA which is a pretty cool wrestling fed both on wattpad (NDawgExpress is the account where he has the IWA Emission brand there and other stuff of the league) and youtube (check his channel Natedawg_Express to check content relevant to IWA too and IWA Aurulent)

With that outta the way, let's begin!:

1- First, we kick off the night with Goku on his office announcing the following:

Goku: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the fallout of No Way Out 2 as we are headed straight for the season 2 finale of UCW in Glory or Demise's 2nd edition!. Onto the matter at hand, first off tonight's show will start with a tag team match booked off the fallout of the Cruiserweight Title match on episode 87 and it will be the Wattersons vs Mori and Kazuma and if the former beat the latter, then whoever gets the fall gets the title shot at Kazuma.

Moving on from that, we have a match to crown the next contenders to Digimon (or Fairy Tail depending on who wins the title match tonight) in the Greedy Bastards facing off against Inori Himuro and Iku Honda. With that all and of course the Tag Team Title match between Digimon and Fairy Tail, i sign off and may you all have a very cool week of action.

*The segment ends with the camera cutting signal of the office as Goku just nods and sits back to watch the action*

2- If the Wattersons win, whoever gets the fall, gets a title shot on episode 91: Tag Team match: Gumball and Darwin Watterson vs Kazuma and Mori:

So, this match initially started rather clean with the tactic being essentially from Mori and Kazuma to strain as much as possible the opposing team's chances of using their speed to put Kazuma in problem whenever he was tagged in. Prevent before the storm if you will. They did this essentially through targetting both Wattersons' legs which worked over time pretty well as evidenced when one time Gumball had to balance on the top rope before jumping and that allowed Kazuma to roll out of the way.

However, this is when the match got pretty dirty. Gumball and Darwin started to notice how Mori would stay most of the match in with Kazuma entering from time to time to not get caught by their superior speed, so what did they do?. Simple, they started snatching any chance of a tag that the opposition could have be it by kicking down Kazuma or getting Mori off the apron and then the outside objects came into play leaving a trail of chaos on the outside as basically the Wattersons would use their speed to hit Kazuma with them to keep him down if the sneaky pal tried to tag Mori in before dropping them outside.

If you wanna know the lead of Kazuma and Mori during the first paragraph description, it gradually grew to 75/25 while for the second, the Wattersons were able to get a 65/35 lead which considering their reduced speed was pretty good.

Finally, we enter the final stretch of it all where the complications of this started to shine badly as Gumball took out Mori with a Gum Ball (Running Cannonball) onto the ring post and then the Wattersons started to toy with Kazuma knowing that he was too damaged to do much basically as payback for how he acted on the final minutes of the ironman match and this went on for about 3 minutes before Kazuma tried to use a miscommunication to get a flash 3 count and the win only for Gumball to kickout sending him straight into a Darwin's Theory (Chaos Theory Suplex) from Darwin before Gumball covered him for the victory.

3- We now move after a commercial break to the next segment where the Sinner Punishers enter the ring as Daniel Dickens lifts his recently won Intercontinental Championship before getting a mic as the crowd boos him.

Daniel Dickens: I know, i know i am not the guy who you'd prefer as the one to end Shovel Knight's reign but don't worry, it was for the greater good. I may have my...tendencies if you wanna call them that. But this is a celebration isn't it?. After all, the sinner has been punished and the Reverend and i have proof for it with the Intercontinental Championship that i currently possess.

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