UCW No Way Out 2

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Credit to the PPV poster goes to Crim Rocker (check his league FXWF on wattpad and his league on youtube Rocker Entertainment. They are really good.). Now, onwards with the PPV!

1- Steel Cage match: Shovel Knight vs Edward Mason: The story of this match essentially circled around two things, Shovel Knight trying to win by escaping thanks to his superior speed while Edward was the one more on the grudge side of things yanking him down and punishing him hard with the steel cage and basically turned the match into a bloody war as Shovel Knight was bleeding by the time the match entered its last third and Edward was bleeding due to a desesperation kick into the steel cage side from Shovel Knight.

While the first third consisted of this, the second one was more back snd flrth which started by said desesperation kick from SK and essentially from there the match went from an 80/20 in favour of Edward to a back and forth brawl since Shovel Knight realized he couldn't win the easy way and had to work for it thus went for the bleeding head of Edward and Edwsrd just did the same as Shovel Knight by this point had been bleeding for double the amount of time due to the beatdowns he gave him during the first third.

Finally, we got to the third stsge where it essentially forgo any escape route and became a full grudge match between the two bleeding wrestlers and it played off a reverse of expectations since prior to this you'd think the dude in armor would go for strength and the one without it for speed due to how Edward was more cruiserweight vibes than Shovel Knight...and yet it was Edward's strength out of anger against Shovel Knight's speed out of need to stop Edward from getting a title shot that caused some crazy dives from the top of the cage or throws into it.

In the end, Shovel Knight struck his Hangman's Neckbreaker....and Edward kicked out at 2.9!!!. Shock aside, Edward was set up for a second before he rolled up Shovel Knight and then transitioned into a Shovel Stomp (Cave In) and fell on top of Shovel Knight to win the match.

After the match though, Kagerou ran in and started beating down Edward Mason and when it seemed like Shovel Knight would get a free shot in too as he was approaching the duo...Kagerou kicked him too in the head taking both Shovel Knight and Edward Mason down before standing tall as he said "I will be the next Intercontinental Champion, not either of you" as the show moved on and the crowd booed.

2- UCW Women's Championship match: Ana vs Buddy vs Lucy Heartfilia (c):

This match at first oddly was controlled by Ana playing a defensive style to tire out both her opponents overtime which worked pretty well since even if she didn't get to fully do so, she did get like 70% control of the match which considering this was essentially a handicap match and that Lucy and Buddy oddly complemented each other quite well, it was quite the effective progress.

That said, once Lucy caught onto this, she and Buddy switched tactics from trying to take out Ana as quick as possible and instead started pretty much twisting and folding her be it through submissions that were hard to get out of (Lucy) or taking advantage of the triple threat stipulation and using objects (Buddy) so that Ana either was too overwhelmed to bounce back into her style or that if she did get free from their tactics, she was too damaged to do anything that could put them in danger. It worked pretty well even if at first Ana resisted thanks to her speed since overtime Ana's disadvantage disappeared and turned into a control of up to 80% from Lucy and Buddy.

Finally the last act, after Ana got taken care of by tying her to one of the ring posts, saw Buddy and Lucy's different ways of doing the same in action. How you may wonder?. Simple, while the twi agreed to the deal and all that, Buddy wamted to give it a shot if she could win the title to see where their duo would go thus she essentially uaed weapons to fold Lucy over since she knew that her speed wasn't going to cut it against someone who could just trap her in holds and end the match. Essentially what she did was hit Lucy in the back with a chain, then take advantage of her being down to a knee and then hit her with a dropkick for example and just keep the pressure going to not give Lucy any quartel and considering the difference between Lucy and Buddy, it was working pretty well considering Buddy got to control the match 60/40.

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