UCW High Impact #30

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1- Kiki with Ana vs Coco: The story of the match was that Kiki's perseverance plus non-stop high-flying action made it so that the match was at first back and forth. However her inexperience caused that she didn't think of how she'd get tired from doing all those moves and once she got tired Coco got an 75/25 advantage which she'd keep for the rest of the match. In the end, a Neutralizer got Coco the clean victory. After the match, we just see how 15% of the crowd are actually booing Coco not because she did anything wrong but because they were starting to warm up to Kiki and Ana after they explained they just wanted to make good memories and they didn't like Coco denying that.

2- We see R Evolution saying that although they had a bad time last time they competed whether after their matches or during them, they are not gonna let Cinder and Emerald deter them from evolving the division and come Episode 32, they were gonna beat those two whom only have one capable wrestler that being Emerald as Cinder is just an overhyped loser.

3- Fairy Tail (Erza and Lucy) with Wendy vs 4 Idiots (Megumin and Darkness) with Aqua: The story of the match was how Fairy Tail were out to impress Team RWBY and thus showcase their superior teamwork against 4 Idiots who normally had a good teamwork but Fairy Tail didn't give them a chance to show it and had an 85/15 advantage the entire time. In the end, Fairy Tail connected their tsg team finisher on Megumin and Erza covered her afterwards to win cleanly.

4- We now see Cinder and Emerald sayingnthat evolving something is way too much of a task for R Evolution since they don't have the power nor smarts to do so. We then see Emerald just saying "did you REALLY beat Cinder?. Because you only got a rollup victory and not an actual pinfall over her" and Cinder afterwards saying that she might have lost but she stood tall against Anri and screwed up Charlotte's chances of beating Lucy later that same night. Heck, they even managed to get a W on that same night just like R Evolution and it was an actual pinfall and not a scarce rollup. The segment ends with Cinder and Emerald saying that regardless of whether they win or lose, they were gonna stand tall and be the winners of this situation.

5- SAO with Asuna and Lisbeth vs Team RWBY (Yang and Blake) with Ruby and Weiss: The story of the match was about Team RWBY showcasing how good they were at teamworking and not giving a chance to Leafa and Sinon of getting the advantage this meaning that Team RWBY had an 70/30 advantage over them. In the end, a Death By Elbow/Samoan Driver combo (tag team finisher) on Sinon and afterwards Blake pinning her got Team RWBY the clean victory. After the match we just see Team RWBY and Fairy Tail face-to-face with both teams asked if they impressed the other and both teams saying that they did as the crowd cheers in the background for what's to come.

6- We just see a contract signing for the Openweight Title that actually goes well and without any disturbance nor anything happening and it ends eith a handshake.

The show ends with Daisy and Yuno saying "May the best woman win" as the crowd are cheering on the background.

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