UCW Disorder and Profit

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(Image was done by Crim Rocker)

1- Lisbeth with SAO (Asuna, Sinon and Leafa) vs Gatomon: The story of the match was how Lisbeth indeed wanted to get payback on Gatomon yet the match was back and forth since Asuna's constant interferences did more harm than good since Lisbeth wanted to do this on her own but Asuna didn't want to lose another friend to Gatomon and this caused that Lisbeth took her eye off the match to tell Asuna to stop interfering to no avail and every time this happened, it gave Gatomon a chance to fight back. The match was back and forth by the way. In the end, a 2 Step Dragon Suplex got Gatomon the clean victory. After the match, we see Gatomon trying to attack Lisbeth but then being forced to retreat as SAO enter the ring to prevent that from happening.

2- UCW Tag Team Championship: Fairy Tail vs Bikini Bottomers (c): The story of the match was about how the Bikini Bottomers had the advantage 85/15 since Natsu and Gray weren't on the same page to a point where their skill wasn't enough to help them get back in the match. We also saw how at some points it seemed like Gray was letting himself stay trapped in submissions albeit it didn't look like masochism since he did show grimace of pain. In the end, a Star Slam/Sponge Splash combo on Gray and a subsequential cover of Spongebob on Gray got the Bikini Bottomers the clean victory. After the match, we see Natsu asking Gray if everything's ok and Gray just telling him a "of course it is!" before leaving alone with an annoyed look that showed that Gray was still cocky somehow as Natsu just pinches his nose and says "goddamit Gray" before leaving the ring with the crowd uncertain of how to react to what just happened between Natsu and Gray.

3- UCW Women's Tag Team Championship: Fairy Tail (c) with Wendy vs Team RWBY with Ruby and Weiss: The match was back and forth and it was due to the simple story of both teams trying to impress the other with their great teamwork and both teams were equal in teamwork level so the match was, like said before, back and forth. In the end, Lucy managed to dodge Yang's finisher (Death By Elbow), Erza got tagged in while Yang was turning around, Erza connected a Scarlet Spear on Yang and then covered her, as Lucy did a Lucy Kick to Blake in mid air to stop her from interfering, to get the clean victory. After the match, we see both teams shaking hands (yes LUCY shook someone's hand in respect) which shocked everyone but showed that even Lucy could admit Team RWBY were on their level.

4- UCW Undisputed Championship Hell In A Cell match: Wario (c) vs Leomon (c) vs Soul: This match was pure and absolute chaos thanks to Soul bringing in weapons which would either backfire against him or be useful for him since without them, the only way Soul could get some offense in was by teaming with Wario against Leomon. Wario got convinced easily by Soul since at this point he'd do anything to end this chaos of a situation over the UCW Title and regain the 50% share that Leomon had of money that being UCW Champion gives. Meanwhile, Leomon (who had some problems against two people that were teaming on him) had to use the cell + his strength to be able to not only not be squashed in the match but also to take out one of his opponents and then have the upper hand (whether slight against Wario or huge against Soul) in the match. Btw, Soul was right and the stipulation did help him get a back and forth match with Wario (alongside the mistakes that he did due to at this point being desesperate about ending this whole co-champion mess and not lose the few money he has as a co-champion and gain back all the money as Undisputed Champion) whenever Leomon was taken out. In the end, Leomon tried a double F5 to both of his opponents but Wario dismounted so only Soul recieved the F5, Wario then connected a clothesline to the back of Leomon's head and then followed it up with a Wario Land (Powerbomb) and covered Leomon to get the victory.

The show ends with Wario lifting both UCW Titles as the crowd boos and he says "I got my money back!!!!"

UCW Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon