UCW Extra 3: Fairy Tail vs Anti-Rebellion vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro

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1- *We see Digimon already in the ring as Mad Leomon is pacing around and Renamon just passes him a microphone while she grabs another*

Mad Leomon: Greedy Bastards!. Get your asses out here right now!

*Now we see how while being WAY more booed than the champions, Wario and Waluigi come down without fear and actual cockiness over the people they have been pretty much perfect against*

Wario: Wouldn't you look at that?. It's time to fight again!

Waluigi: Yeah, or more said beat them again for a title!

Renamon: It's good to see you two haven't changed that much from our wars last season. However, let us get to the point shall we?.

Wario: If you want so, then it's fine by us. Well, i want to say that beyond us just winning due to our greed being bigger than yours and that deciding who wants it more, i want to talk to Mad Leomon over here as first off props for finally changing and becoming succesful even if you are still a screw up in World Title matches.
However, i know pretty damn well that you are not what you say you are.
You are not a threat.

*Here Wario takes a step forward and looks right into Mad Leomon's eyes*

Wario: You are just a big bad bully who does a tantrum when crap doesn't go his way!.
That is why you want to retain, not because you care about the belts since in that scenario you wouldn't give a damn about Renamon leading you both. But because you know that if you lose to me again, this whole change would have been for nothing!.

Mad Leomon: Like you're on to talk!

Wario: I didn't change at all, i'm still greedy old me so what do you mean?

Mad Leomon: You literally were bullying the world title picture for over a year!. You got to such a point that the World Title is on an outsider just to get it off of you!.

Wario: I still don't see your point.

Mad Leomon: What i am trying to say is that it takes one to know one!. Also, i don't need to beat you to prove my change was not for nothing.

Wario: Then what is the reason?.

Mad Leomon: To get revenge. You literally made me change and while i thank you for it since it did bring me success, at the same time i HATE you.

Wario: Wait, so you're thankful yet angry at me?. Pick an emotion Le---

Mad Leomon: You literally screwed me over an entire season pretty much and you ask why i am angry?. Yes, Soul and Waluigi had some hand in it but still, even if you did beat me to end that whole issue, it doesn't change that you and Waluigi started it and i intend to get payback that i couldn't get at Heaven or Hell and i will get it by defeating you both and retaining our championships.

Wario: *whistles* I really damaged you didn't i?. Anyways, now that we have gotten this out of our systems what do you say we let our partners talk?.

Mad Leomon: *looks at Wario then at Renamon and just rolls his eyes* Sure, fine, whatever.

*Now Wario and Mad Leomon take a step back and let their partners take center stage*

Renamon: Not gonna lie, i know i am not the odds on favourite.

Waluigi: Good that you don't lie to yourself like your partner Leomon who i almost beat and forced to cheat to beat me on our rematch.

Renamon: However, don't you dare think for a second that i haven't forgotten that fact nor our only match against each other which you won and then it led to a chain of events that has effects up to now.

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