Graveyard Discussion (Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc part 1)

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*we see them both at Edward's workplace, a graveyard, when Shovel Knight gets curious about something andecides to ask him about it*

SK: Edward may i ask something?.

Edward: *caving in a place for a coffin whilst talking* Yes?

SK: Simple, are you teaming up with me because you want to save the day just like me or because of wanting something that is your property?

Edward: *stops shoveling to answer* So you figured out. I guess you are not as much of an idiot who didn't research as i thought you would be. Yeah, i am with you because i want to have something that is my property.

SK: I'm sorry but i can't be your property since i am a person and not an object.

Edward: Duh, i know that. I wasn't refering to you as what is mine but our partnership.

SK (curiously inclining his head): does that mean you want or don't want to team up with me?. And this is leaving aside us teaming up to be heroes.

Edward: I want to team up with you because A- Our partnership is something of my property which i always wanted to have since i never had anything i could call as mine and B- because being a hero doesn't sound so bad as the crowd would be MY supporters and i get the double of reward than by going solo.

SK: Hang on....*Shovel Knight smiles* that means you wanted to be a hero after all!

Edward: I never said that with a good willed intention, it's just benefitiary for me.

SK: Still, you technically stated you wanted to be a hero after all.

Edward: Ok man, i like how you are not just an goody-two shoes hero but can use technicisms to prove their points. But other than that, we are not a team per say but moreso associates with goals that connect.

SK: Good enough for me.

Edward: Hey Shovel Knight?

SK: Yes Edward?

Edward: Thanks for not ending our association because of me not being the hero with the best motive.

SK: Don't worry about it. Heroes come with different kind of motives.

*As Edward goes back to shoveling a coffin's place. We see Shovel Knight gaining some distance before talking to himself*

SK: He wants to be a hero but his justification for being the one isn't the correct motivation, i will change him. No matter what. No matter the cost.

*The segment ends with an eerie feeling as Shovel Knight just does a quick smile and goes back to where Edward is working so he doesn't notice he's gone.*

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