UCW High Impact #63

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1- We see Ben entering the ring and saying that this is the first time he's not being acknowledged at all in something and whilst understandable since this is gonna be his first or second match in the company, it doesn't mean that he is totally ignored by the crowd because they know who he is, one of the most popular figures across the world. Everyone knows of his adventures and compared to them, this is but a mere rock. Then he says that whilst Wario's reign of terror for over a year was good for the company, it wasn't that what was the most interesting in the company but the Asuna/Gatomon feud and that since the Asuna/Gatomon feud is probably concluding at Against All Odds that means the company will lose their most interesting thing and he cannot allow UCW to not have anything interesting hence why he HAS to win the UCW Championship at Against All Odds. Because a company can be good and all, but without something interesting on it, it can get a bit boring. The segment ends with Ben leaving the ring as the crowd are mixed since they like him but not to admit he was right on being the biggest star popularity wise for UCW.

2- Cruiserweight Championship: Simon (c) with Kamina vs Darwin Watterson with Gumball Watterson: The match was divided in three phases, the first was controlled by Darwin 75/25 thanks to cheating a lot and with Gumball's help since they both knew how to combine so they nevee got caught by the ref even with Kamina telling the ref about the cheating.
The second phase showed Simon's capability to fight against adverse odds and managing to turn the match back and forth thanks to keeping Darwin grounded as best as he could hence why the match was back and forth since Simon's speciality wasn't technical wrestling but high-flying moves, however this meant that when Darwin got out of the holds or Gumball started making a ruckus on the outside to give Darwin a distraction to take the advantage, the match reverted to it's previous state of 75/25 advantage for Darwin.
Finally, the last phase of the match saw Simon saying to screw it and going with his best weapon: High-flying moves and it worked excellently as he got a 60/40 advantage but an advantage nontheless since Darwin wasn't as damaged as he was. That said, this doesn't mean that Darwin didn't fight back since just like Simon he was good at the high-flying style and this made this last part be an all out speed fest.
In the end, Darwin went for a Darwin's Theory (Chaos Theory Suplex), Simon managed to land on his feet kicked Darwin on the back of the head and then went for a Lagoon Drill (DDT Through Ropes) but the less damaged Darwin managed to rush Simon with a lariat to stop the move and then he went for another Darwin's Theory but this time Simon managed to reverse it by springboarding to the ring apron whilst dragging Darwin due to the momentum of the Darwin's Theory and then connected a very nasty looking Lagoon Drill on the ring apron and then rolled Darwin and covered him to get the clean victory.

3- We see Goku making an announcement that the rankings will have a slight change done to them, rather than everyone getting just one shot, and to make it fair to the people who after losing their shot will still have the best record of the rankings, who gets the shot will be decided by the top ranked person at the end of the go home shows to the ppvs which means that one can get more than one shot in case they lost but they remain or get a record good enough to make it to the top of the rankings. He also says that after thinking and discussing it for a bit, he has decided that rematches take priority over the rankings so that means that if there is a rematch, then the rematch will take place over a match against the number one ranked person or team for the title. Finally, if the champion loses their title, he/she/they'll take up the free spot on their respective rankings albeit they could end up way lower than the people who bested them for the titles.

4- Intercontinental Championship: Jin Sakai with Sekiro vs Seiji Sawamura (c): This match rather than being good t was about the story of whether Jin or Seiji would cheat and it kept the match even as both Jin and Seiji were being EXTREMELY careful just in case the other tried to pull a dirty move. This made the match be boring quality wise but kept the crowd as tense as the wrestlers since they were hanging with the doubt of whether the match would be a clean affair or not.
In the end, the unexpected happened, SAO (Klein and Agil) came running down to the ring and assaulted both Jin and Seiji and whilst Sekiro managed to clean the ring, it was too easy....because it was a trap!. Then out of nowhere shocking everyone, KIRITO made his return and hit a Snap DDT on Sekiro and stood tall with his SAO buddies as the crowd boos the hell out of them since they expected something controversial but not SAO to be the ones doing it.

5- We see Dante and Link on a split screen interview and the theme of this interview being simple "Does Dante still have it VS Link has to keep the briefcase to save the UCW Championship in case Ben fails to win it" since Link took a shot at Dante by saying that while still a decent competitor, he's just that, a decent competitor, he's no threat and he's washed up and he should retire since after all, the one member whom everyone should be focusing on out of Devilz is Nero. Meanwhile, Dante told Link that he might not be as young as he used to be but with that he comes to know something, he knows Link's type of people, he knows he won't cash in the briefcase in the intended way which is after a match because for all the heroic he is supposed to be, he doesn't have the balls to go over the limit and certainly he doesn't have to keep a hold of that briefcase since he'll end up wasting it when he cashes it in normally because yes, he might be a good competitor in the ring and all but he doesn't think that he can still pull this off if either Wario or Elias come out with the title because Wario has backuo if needed but is a wrecking machine by his own self and Elias is way trickier than one would escape and thus is way unpredictable for Link. Ergo, Link doesn't have to keep that briefcase because he'll just waste it by cashing it normally. After Dante says this, we see how Goku says that after hearing Dante he's changed his mind about the stipulation for the Lethal Lottery briefcase match and he says that it will now be a 2 out of 3 falls match so either Dante can prove that he still has it and win the briefcase which would make him a threat or Link can prove that he has a shot at cashing in the briefcase in the honorable way and still win by winning two falls on the same match.

6- UCW Tag Team Championship: Digimon vs Bikini Bottomers (c) with Spongebob: This match had no story other than it being a back and forth war because of Digimon searching for revenge, after they were screwed out of the titles and they were under the suspicion that the BB had asked Zim and GIR to cost them the match, and Patrick and Larry opposing a big resistance thanks to being able to fight back and forth with Mad Leomon and controlling the match 75/25 when facing Renamon. By the way, Soongebob did interfere occasionally but not as much as he could due to still not having a fully healed leg. To resume, rather than being like the first match which had three phases or the second which was about a story 100%, this match was about a war 50% due to the story and 50% due to 3 of the competitors in the match being heavyweights.
In the end, Mad Leomon connected the F5 on Patrick and covered him to get the clean victory.

The show ends with the crowd cheering as Digimon raise their titles in the air, Leomon kissing the title and raising it euphorically, because of finally getting a title that wasn't shared with anyone else and after being screwed over for the entirety of last season out of TWO titles, and Renamon lifting it after telling Spongebob at ringside to look at him to mock him as Spongebob tries to get in the ring to fight Renamon who just boots him back out.

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