UCW High Impact #49

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1- UCW Tag Team Championship N1 Contender's match: Angels of Death with Bendy vs Shovel Knight and Edward Mason: The story of the match was how no one had an advantage because they cancelled each other Isaac had problems fighting under normal rules and this would have given SK and Edward the advantage right?...well, not exactly. Due to being cruiserweights, SK and Edward had to deal with Isaac and Boris overpowering them and fighting back that way (aside from Isaac cheating from time to time) thus nullifying any chance at an advantage. In the end, Tom and Jerry jumped on the apron to distract Edward and allow Isaac to roll him up from behind to get the victory. After the match, we see Angels of Death (barring Boris who doesn't talk) saying that death is coming for the reign of the Bikini Bottomers who literally are not even a complete team considering Spongebob's status and that with such a good shot at winning those titles, they ain't gonna mess up. Then the champs come out and they say that while it might be right they're not in their best moment, it's not like the Angels of Death do not have a disadvantage: After all, one of them sucks at competing in matches that have normal rules and it has shown that tjis can lead to losses if they go back to the second match between the AoD and SAO. This is when the challengers say that even despite that, they still have a positive record so that handicap can be overcome and the champs answer the same since they have had to deal with the problem of Spongebob not being 100% twice and still managed to keep their titles both times. The segment ends with the Bikini Bottomers saying that if death is coming for them, they will stare at it and then shove it aside and continue on their reign as Tag Team Champions and the Angels of Death answering that death is inevitable and when they face off, they'll show them exactly that.

2- We see Tom and Jerry explaining that if SK and Edward want to play the heroes, then they will get screwed over by them who aren't afraid to play the villain and they will defeat them in repayment for making any grudge they could have had disappear due to the finish of the IC Title match at Glory or Demise which he had won but Edward plated the hero and screwed him!. So they will thank those two "heroes" by giving them an L and a beating for getting their noses in their business.

3- UCW Cruiserweight Championship N1 Contender's match: ??? vs GIR with Zim: The mystery opponent turned out to be Mono and the match was controlled by him 65/35 thanks to GIR playing too much to the crowd and because he didn't know what to expect from a new roster member. Mono's style basically is striking and technical with him aiming to hurt people really bad for some reason that he hadn't said yet. In the end, Mono won cleanly via knockout with the Monochromatic Elbows (basically a chain of elbows to the neck) and he kept doing it over and over until security separated him. Then Leomon and Renamon came from behind and started attacking GIR and Zim with the final exclamation point being that Leomon F5ed GIR through a table and then roared before being pulled back by Renamon to backstage. After a commercial break, we see Mono explaining that he didn't stop elbowing GIR and treated him like that in the match because he wanted to show him the power that being betrayed gives to one. It gives one hate for others and the traitor, violent intentions and above all ruthless agression to direct onto the traitor and if not someone else and since he can't get back at the one who betrayed him due to them being a she, he's gonna show his ruthless agression on everyone in the roster starting by the cruiserweight division. We then see Simon appearing and asking Mono if he even wanted the title shot only for Mono to say that it's just a bonus to him, he just wants to show ruthless agression to the cruiserweight division like....right now. Then Mono jumps Simon and starts punching him over and over until he gets pulled off by security and he actually tries to fight them off before being carried away by them as he shouts "You're gonna feel the ruthless agression and effects of what the betrayal did to me Simon!" and Simon is like "I can't let him leave with the Cruiserweight Title in his possesion"

4- UCW Intercontinental Championship N1 Contender's match: Patrick with Spongebob vs Luigi with Mario: The story of the match was how  Luigi tried to use his technical skills and (very) long jumps to get ahead of Patrick who was using pure strength based offense whenever he wasn't trapped in submissions to not let Luigi get ahead. That said, Luigi did have a 55/45 advantage since sometimes the strength of Patrick would cause him to mess up and not be able to see where Luigi landed and that added with Luigi's long jumps it meant that Luigi surprised Patrick more than once into submissions. In the end, Patrick went for the Star Slam but Luigi lept over him and kicked his legs to tumble him down, trapped him into the Ghost Hunter Machine (Chickenwing Camel Clutch) and forced him to tap out to get the clean victory. After the match, we see Seiji congratulating Luigi on getting a title shot albeit saying that he's not afraid of him since he knows that he's better than him by a mile considering he's the best fighter from where he comes while Luigi resorts to jumps and needing an machine to do some good and even if he does have some technical ground, it matters none when he's facing someone who can knock him out with a right hand. This is when Luigi says that Seiji is not exactly better considering how it took him two tries to win the IC Title and putting someone on the shelf with a Punt Kick so maybe his brawling isn't THAT effective and if it isn't THAT effective then he has a chance at winning the title, plus, it's not like his only style of wrestling is technical wrestling. The segment ends with Seiji trying to hit a DRH, Luigi leaping over it and then hitting the Green Thunder Bomb before leaving as the crowd cheers him and Seiji just grabs his IC Title and shouts "You got first blood, congratulations!. Try to keep it that way, i dare you!"

5- UCW Championship N1 Contender's match: Riku with Sora vs Tom with Jerry: The story of the match was how at first Tom had the advantage (80/20) thanks to his speed helping him be nearly impossible to trap on submissions and without that Riku was pretty much offenseless. However, Riku then switched to speed-based offense and he gained the upper hand since as fast as Tom could be, he was faster and had an 65/35 advantage because of it since it happened that when Tom tried for offense, Riku moved out of the way and connected his own move before Tom could do the same. In the end, Riku (after having failed to trap Tom in the Ankle Lock) opted for something different: a Shooting Star Press which connected and got Riku the clean victory. After the match, we see Waluigi attacking Sora with a steel chair and then Wario clotheslining Riku as he was getting up before Wario Landing him and telling him "You are never gonna beat me!. Never!" and then proceeding to leave with Waluigi

6- We see Leomon and Renamon walking down to the ring with a mixed reaction of the crowd due to how Leomon has acted at Glory or Demise and tonight. We also see how Leomon looks different....like MadLeomon. After roaring once again to shut up everyone, Leomon proceeds to explain that he has acted the way he's acted because he's tired of acting honorably and being screwed over by liars, cheaters and stealers both in and out of matches!. Afterwards, he says that he'd try to go after the Bikini Bottomers but Renamon convinced him to after the ones who caused him to change: Zim and GIR. Then Renamon explains that he's siding with Leomon because as controversial as he might become not being honorable anymore...this is the best outcome for Leomon since now he won't be screwed out of accomplishments ANYMORE!. And thus he'll support him every step of the way to make sure that this Leomon being screwed doesn't happen again.

The show ends with the crowd silent, as Digimon leave, since they're confused and do not know what to say

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