UCW High Impact #39

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1- Crash with Crunch vs Patches with Oddities: The match was back and forth and we saw a simple story about how Patches was more dangerous since he took Crash seriously this time. We also saw Patches refusing help from his buddies at ringside saying he wanted to beat Crash on his own, probably due to pride of having lost last time to Crash. In the end, shockingly Patches won cleanly after a Springboard Cutter and a cover.

2- We see Darwin saying that albeit Seiji retained the IC Title in a match with someone who has the same advantage as him, in UCW Seiji isn't that reliable considering how during the SAO feud it took him a while to finally get the upper hand against the 3 on 1 odds and that says that he has a chance at beating Seiji, it might not be 100%, but it will be enough.

3- UCW Intercontinental Championship match: Seiji Sawamura (c) vs Darwin with Gumball: The match was controlled 70/30 by Seiji even with cheating from Darwin and Gumball since he proved he was good at handling handicapped situations and due to the fact that Darwin wasn't exactly on his level. Yes, he managed to keep the advantage of Seiji stuck on 70/30 thanks to his skill and cheating, but it's still a kinda wide advantage. In the end, a DRH to Darwin and a cover afterwards got Seiji the clean victory.

4- UCW Cruiserweight Championship match: Riku with Sora vs Simon (c) with Kamina: The story of the match was how although Riku had the advantage 60/40, he seemingly couldn't put Simon away since he was refusing to submit and was performing better than usual for some reason. That's when he decided to cheat to win and that'd actually be contraproducent since Kamina would start stopping him from cheating whether by taking away the object or alerting the referee from a cheating attempt. This'd cause that Kamina and Riku started bickering and this opened chances for Simon to fight back and even get the upper hand (60/40) on the match. In the end, Riku tried to hit Simon with a chair while the ref was distracted, Kamina grabbed the chair from him which caused bickering, Simon came in out of nowhere with a Lagoon Drill (DDT Through Ropes Randy Orton-version) on Riku and covered him afterwards to win clean.

5- We see Spongebob being asked by Patrick if he'll be ok for the match or if they should try to search for the easy way out since it's not worth it to retain the titles clean if it means he'll be dismantled and unable to compete and Spongebob shockingly says no and that he'll fight through the pain to keep the titles.

6- UCW Tag Team Championship match: Zim and GIR vs Bikini Bottomers (c): The match had a simple story of Zim and GIR keeping Spongebob from tagging Patrick in and working his legs over to get a 60/40 advantage without needing to cheat since Spongebob was slowered down a lot thanks to the work on his legs. This lasted right until the end where Spongebob finally got to tag in Patrick who completely decimated Zim and GIR before they could escape and finished the match off by connecting a double Star Slam and then covering Zim for the clean victory.

The show ends with Patrick being strapped the title around his waist while he helps Spongebob to his feet who is clearly in a lot of pain and the crowd are booing simply because they don't like the Bikini Bottomers.

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