A Knight or A Princess? || Part 2

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"He is awake." A raspy voice said. Zhongli slowly opened his amber eyes, confused about what was going on. "Call the bratty prince." The same voice said. "Yes, Lord Dottore." A girl voice said. Then footsteps were audible. Zhongli examined the room and the hospital bed he was tied to. At last, he looked at the blue man. The man smiled, revealing his sharp teeth. "Good morning, all mighty knight. A bratty prince has fallen in love with you, how lucky!" He said. Then he chuckled, which scratched Zhongli's ears. Zhongli grimaced as his head pulsed. Did someone hit his head? The last he could remember is the ginger being on top of him...

"I know you have some questions. You will receive answers." The man said. Zhongli wanted to speak, kick, twist or run away... But his body was too numb. "The affect will wear off, don't you worry." The man said as if he read Zhongli's mind. Zhongli tried to open his mouth but he could only move his lips an inch. Which must have been funny for the man, he smirked.

After a while, ginger got in the room. "He is... awake." Ginger said, panting. He must have ran here. He didn't even look at the man but Zhongli's amber eyes. Amber eyes and ocean eyes clashed once again. One was confused and ready to run away while the other one looked sad. "Indeed, your eyes does work for something other than... well, tits. In our case tho-" The man was saying but ginger cut off. "Shut up." He said, his face burning. The man laughed.

"Well, well, well... your little toy is finally awake." A voice said with a tone of honey. "I was wondering where you were." Dottore said as he turned his head slightly. The silver haired woman chuckled as she entered. "Ah, our lovely prince is also here." The woman said as she looked at the ginger. Childe rolled his eyes and pout. "Such a little kid you are." Woman mumbled as she crossed her arms. "You should leave Childe, I have to talk with La Signora." Dottore said, showing the exit with his head.

Childe wanted to object and stay with Zhongli, but the look in La Signora's eyes scared him. He sighed and left the room. "A thank you would have been nice!" Dottore shouted behind him. Then Dottore sighed. "People do not know how to thank others nowadays." Dottore mumbled. La Signora fake coughed. "About... him." La Signora said as she looked at Zhongli out of the corner of her eye. Then she approached Zhongli, getting ready to knock him off. Zhongli glared at her with shiny amber eyes which made La Signora flinch.

"I have better solution." Dottore said as he got a needle. He stopped next to Zhongli, injecting the needle into his neck. In a bit he was unconscious. He then let go of the needle and turned to La Signora. "Did I just see the glorious Crimson Witch flinch?" Dottore asked teasingly. La Signora blushed and rolled her eyes. "Shut it. What do you have to say about him?" She asked. Dottore chuckled. "You know, our precious Tsaritsa is searching ways to overthrow Celestia. To do that, we need to spread Archon-like power. To do that, I need to inspect a Gnosis. Although, Tsaritsa's Gnosis is too precious for her, I can't really examine hers." Dottore explained.

La Signora sighed, rubbing her temples. "I already know this, get on with it." She said. "Well, to our luck the knight laying on the bed has a Gnosis." Dottore said. La Signora's eyes widened a little. "The lost Archon, Morax." Dottore continued. She laughed. "Ah, Childe does have an interesting taste in people." La Signora said as she chuckled. "The problem is that a shield is protecting it, I can't reach it. I suppose he has to give it away with will." Dottore added.

La Signora hummed. "We might have to use Childe then. For something useful, finally." She said a smile covering her face. "So, what do we do?" Dottore asked, crossing his arms. "We will let Childe play with his new toy for a while." La Signora said, shifting her eyes to Zhongli.

Zhongli opened his eyes once again, this time remembering everything and aware of the situation. Although, he wasn't tied to a bed. Instead chain to a wall. Zhongli pouted as he sat up, leaning his back towards the wall. "At least make me sit on the bed not the floor." Zhongli mumbled as he examined the room. It was huge. A royal bed, big windows, fancy furniture and much more. In Liyue's kingdom, the color pallet was brown and brown's shades. But in this kingdom, guessing Snezhnaya's kingdom, the color pallet was rather sad, it was blue and blue's shades.

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