Genshin School - Troublesome Class

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A lot of voices were coming from the classroom as Zhongli made his way towards the classroom. Shouts, bangs and similar sounds. Zhongli grabbed the doorknob but hesitated. He turned to the teacher behind him. "You seriously want me to study in this class? I just did what the teacher asked me to do." Zhongli said. The teacher rolled her eyes. "First of all, when Miss Beidou said show it, you were supposed to do it somewhere she could see, not on Miss Beidou. Secondly, I like Miss Beidou, even though we have a few fights between us. These reasons are enough for you to go to troublesome class." said the teacher.

Zhongli sighed. "Whatever you say, Miss Ningguang." Zhongli said, turning to face the door. He grabbed the doorknob again and opened the door. For a moment, all sounds stopped, eyes turned to Zhongli. Zhongli looked around in surprise. A short boy with purple hair was taped to the wall, an orange haired boy was grinning with tape in his hand, and the other girl with white hair was giggling next to the boy with the tape. A blue-haired boy who looked like he was drunk was on the floor, two girls sitting at the last row with their arms tied. Both girls had blond hair, but one looked like a child, and the other had a weird style of hair. Strangely enough, both of them had burn scars.

The middle rows were littered with paper waste. A tall boy with white and red hair was holding balls of paper, most likely he was the one who crushed them. Next to him was a girl with green hair who looked angry. She probably is the target of the paper balls. Well, was there no one to manage this mess? Zhongli's eyes shifted to the teacher's desk. Oh, there was a teacher. Her hair has been pulled out, bags under her eyes, and her outfit is a mess. "My Archons..." Zhongli muttered. What kind of school was this? Ningguang entered after him.

"Miss Barbara?" Ningguang said, frowning. Barbara lifted her head and stood up. "Oh, Miss Ningguang. Sorry, I can't manage the class... very well. Can't I go back to kindergarten? The kids there love me so much." Barbara asked with pleading eyes. Ningguang sighed. "You should speak to Miss Kujou about this, and she will pass it on to Miss Raiden. You should stay here for now, you were assigned to this class because of your positivity and exampleness(?). But you can go home and rest if you want. I will find a teacher for this class." Ningguang said, crossing her arms.

Barbara smiled happily and rushed out of the classroom. "Sit down." Ningguang said as she moved towards the teacher's desk. Zhongli looked around, but the only empty desk was in front of the orange haired boy. Of course there was another empty desk, but the stuff was on it. Presumably the desk belonged to the boy who was taped to the wall. Zhongli tried not to step on the drunk boy and sat in front of the ginger. Zhongli ignored his gaze and took off his bag and hung it by the table.

All eyes were still on Zhongli. Ningguang applaused once, eyes turned to her immediately. "You do realize that your graduation is in Miss Barbara's hands, yes? She can decide whether to graduate you or send you back to this year." Ningguang said in a stern way. The girl in the back row frowned. "But Miss, I am just a 4th grader." The kid said. Ningguang looked at the kid. "Klee, raise your hand be-" she started, then she stopped and sighed. "I would have said, but you are tied. You are a 4th grader, yes. You graduate from primary school, you will move on to secondary school." Ningguang explained. Klee raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"Anyway. I don't want any more trouble, try to keep quiet until I find a teacher." Ningguang said, getting up from the teacher's chair. Then she left the classroom. "Sooo? How did you get in trouble?" The girl asked who was tied like Klee. "We got in trouble because we blew up the cafeteria!" Klee explained. The girl next to her chuckled. "Yes, we actually wanted to create a distraction but we couldn't control ourselves. Now we are tied so we don't blow stuff." The girl said. Klee giggled. "Like thats gonna stop me and Yoimiya!" Klee added. Zhongli shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

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