The Shabby Hotel || A Tale From Detective Squad (Part 1)

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It was a very melancholic day. It was a day when world was crying, the sun was trying to make its voice heard from behind the clouds, the insects seeking shelter and the plants feasting. In short, it was a rainy day. A snow-white pickup truck was groaning as it moved on the road. Despite being white, the pickup truck was dirty and old. Its wheels seemed to be at war with the road, seemed battered. Oddly enough it was still working, moving with perseverance.

There was a man with golden hair and gold eyes driving the car, and another man with sharp features, baby blue hair and ocean eyes in the side seat. Golden haired man's eyes were locked on the road as if his eyes were cutting the road, while the man beside him was looking out, examining the outside, with a small smile on his face. In front, even the flutter of the wings of a butterfly was audible, it was quiet and peaceful. (Might wanna read this part slowly, cuz if you read fast you might be like "what?" —————>)As if the angry water drops hitting the cover, the cover tied to the back of the truck and used as an umbrella, weren't enough, the back was too loud.

A man with ginger hair and ocean eyes, and a brown skinned man with midnight blue hair and a scar on his face; were laughing, singing, and dancing. Next to them; bored and on the verge of bursting, a sharp-featured man with crimson eyes and hair, also with pale skin, was reading a book. Obviously, this chaotic couple was drunk. "Oh, Diluc! Don't hang your face like that, we're on a new adventure! We will solve a new case, have fun!" Said the man with midnight blue hair. He had a wide grin on his face.

"Oh, we are real life Scooby Doo! It's fun, isn't it?" Ginger said, rolling the words in his mouth. The midnight blue haired one laughed. "Oh, you're right Childe! You would be the dog at the series." Said the man, chuckling. Ginger's face dropped slightly. "You would be that stupid tall guy that hangs out with the dog!" Ginger said. "Shaggy? You are giving him a big compliment!" The one with the midnight blue hair said, laughing.

"Oh, please. That would be a huge compliment to you, you drunk ass." Diluc muttered. Of course the man heard him. "Wow, the crimson-haired one has a tongue!" Midnight blue said, teasingly. "Shut up, Kaeya. That's enough, your voice came all the way to the front!" The golden haired man shouted from the front. Kaeya pretended to faint dramatically, pretending to be taken.

"Ah! Aether, that hits me from the heart!" cried out Kaeya. An angry sigh was heard from the front. "Bravo! You drove the man, known for his calmness, crazy." Childe said, rolling his eyes. "Oh, my perfect acts is making everyone jealous, what can I say? People nowadays be hatin' drama!" Kaeya shouted while trying to straighten up.

Diluc punched Kaeya as he was straightening up from his neck. He had put down his book and was red-faced, steam coming out of his gloved hand and his pyro vision glowing a wild red. Diluc had enough of Kaeya, who was being loud and annoying for hours, so he did what he used to do when Kaeya was annoying him. Making him faint. A logical and useful method, no? "I should have done this sooner." He muttered, as Kaeya fainted and fall back to the ground. He had a burn mark on his neck.

Childe straightened up and began to sit with a straight back. He continued to drink from his drink in silence. Diluc raised an eyebrow at Childe, but picked up his book and continued reading. He hummed in approval. A voice muttered "thank you" from the front.

A few hours later, Childe and Kaeya were still in the mood to drink more. Diluc didn't allow them to drink any more, instead he made them drink the bitter coffee from the thermos. Childe was silently looking at his phone, while Kaeya was looking around. Diluc was immersed in his book again. "Oh, woodland and greenery... how beautiful!" Kaeya muttered. Then he sighed. "When will we arrive? The greens are starting to feel so boring! " Kaeya shouted to the front.

"One hour left, grind your teeth." said a voice from the front. Kaeya groaned boredly. "Aether! When do we meet the chicks? If I see men for more time, I think I'll be gay." Kaeya shouted again. Aether sighed. "You flirt with everything alive, that's gay enough. Go flirt with the greens." Aether said from the front. Kaeya groaned again and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Maybe the internet would amuse him.

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