A Melancholiac Season

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Melancholiac season had arrived, it painted everywhere red and orange colors. Trees began to shrug their leaves off, flowers retreated to their rooms, people began to feel a weird feeling that contained sadness but also relief. Most people probably hated Autumn for being depressing, but for Zhongli it was a new world with colors.

He wore simple clothes with a scarf on top. Normally he would wear fancy things but today he just felt different. He spun around and examined his reflection. "Good enough, I suppose. I am not planning to impress anyone now, no?" Zhongli mumbled to himself. Then he picked up an old photo that stood on the table, which table was next to the mirror. He caressed the photo and felt the emotions and memories leak through him. He took a deep breath and let it go with relief. "I miss you a lot, Guizhong. I will not lie. But I also must admit that there is someone else in my life, someone special. I believe that you would want me to go on with my life. I love you, but it is time to let go." Zhongli said, looking at the old photo with sad eyes.

His hands started to glow. The photo which was looking fine was crushed in milliseconds. "Bye, love." He whispered. A tear dropped from his eye.

"Ah, where have you been Sensei? I thought we were sparring today!" A ginger said as he approached Zhongli with a red face. Zhongli chuckled. "Nice to see you to, Childe. But as you can guess, my rusty and old bones aren't for battles anymore. How about we stroll? We can visit the coffee shop you like much." Zhongli said with a warm and soft smile. Childe rolled his eyes but he couldn't stay mad at Zhongli for seconds. "Fine, we will go to Starbucks." Childe grumbled. Zhongli put a hand on Childe's shoulder. "There is the spirit." He said sarcastically.

Childe sighed and began to walk slowly towards Starbucks. After a moment of silence, Childe spoke. "Hey, Zhongli?" He said. It seemed his anger was completely gone. Zhongli hummed as he felt the breeze. "... uhm, is there someone special in... your life?" Childe asked awkwardly. Zhongli frowned and looked at Childe. "Why, does that intrigue you?" Zhongli asked. Childe went all red. "Ah, uhm, n-no reason! Haha." Childe awkwardly laughed.

"My, my, Childe. Why so interested in my love life?" Zhongli asked, pressing further. "N-nothing!" Childe yelped. Childe walked faster which made Zhongli laugh. Zhongli tried catching up with Childe as well. Childe had gone all anime girl. Zhongli held Childe's hand and made him stop. Childe turned to Zhongli with curiosity and a puzzled expression. "Childe, you know why I don't do sparring with you anymore?" Zhongli asked.

Childe frowned. "Because you are old?" Childe asked. Zhongli chuckled. "Ah, I am fine more than ever. What I have said was just an excuse. No, dear. It is because it hurts me seeing someone I love get hurt. And it is more painful that I am hurting them. It might be fine with them but..." Zhongli trailed off at the end. Childe blinked a few times, processing the situation. "Ah... is this a way of saying 'I love you'?" Childe asked. Zhongli nodded and smiled. Childe chuckled. "You could have just said 'I love ya,' comrade. I-I was kind of... uhm thinking of asking you out while we were sparring. You know, it's romantic that way for me." Childe said.

"Then shall we spar, love?" Zhongli asked with a smirk.
Shhh this is def not so short- Btw, do yall like reading long stories or short? (Long: 1500 or 2000+, short: 500-1500/2000)

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