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Minho grinned from ear to ear as he read all the messages from the members of the squad. Jisung sat next to him, resting his head on Minho's shoulder.

"Where's your message? I was looking forward to that." Minho pouted, unhappy that he didn't get a paragraph from his kitten.

"I can just say it to you in person you silly~ We planned that they would leave and we can have some private time!" Jisung replied, jokingly biting Minho's shoulder.

"Ah, okay-" Minho put down the ribbon and turned back to Jisung. He picked him up and rested Jisung in front of him before hugging him. Jisung giggled and cuddled into Minho too.

Four months flew by and Minho had pretty much recovered from his depression. His leg was also now out of casts and he could walk properly now without the help of crutches. Because of Minho's coma, the group was unable to travel to Jeju Island for the trip they planned so that was shifted to the summer break. Minho had also paid off the money from his mother's surgery with the help of his friends and now he could live freely without having to worry about anything. Minho and Jisung still worked at the cafe anyway so they could earn some extra money.

On a Friday evening, the couple had just returned to dorms from their shift.

"Minnnnn, I haven't seen you dance in awhileeeeee!! Do you still dance?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I do. Me and Jiwoo meet up every break time in the dance studio- Why, did you miss my dancing?~"

"Yeah no shit sherlocks- Can you dance for me nowwwww??? Please~"

"Aw don't look at me like that~ You're so cute. Okay, let's go then~" Minho squished Jisung's cheek and they headed upstairs to the studio.

Upon arriving, both saw someone already in there and it wasn't Jiwoo. Minho was confused as he's never seen anyone use the dance studio other than him and Jiwoo. Inside the studio was none other than the man who caused Minsung's love hate, Seojun.

Minho opened the door cautiously and Seojun turned around. Jisung's pupils shrunk and he quickly pulled Minho behind him. Seojun hadn't interfered with their relationship for quite awhile now.

"If you're here to try to break us apart again, forget it." Jisung glared at Seojun and Seojun just laughed.

"Hm hm~ Can I talk with Minho privately?~" Seojun smiled menacingly.

"Maybe kill yourself first and I'll consider it." Jisung muttered, still protective of Minho.

"Okay, you asked for it~ Minho, y'know your mother died, right?~" Seojun shrugged. He could just say it in front of Jisung and in fact that's probably even better as it would enrage Jisung too.

Minho flinched at that. No one had brought up his mother's death for the past few months and now that someone did mention it, he could feel the empty area inside him slowly take over again.

"...Don't bring that up, bastard." Jisung took Minho's hand and gave it a tight squeeze before turning to Seojun again.

"Right of human speech~ Actually your mother could've lived with Minho. But guess who sabotaged her medical equipment?~ Reporting me won't work, my parents already know~" Seojun grinned from ear to ear.

Minho froze. He stormed past Jisung and stood in front of Seojun.

"Why hello t-"

Before Seojun could finish, Minho gave the unsuspecting Seojun a fierce punch. Seojun stumbled back and fell onto the ground, his face swelling up and blood dripping out from his mouth. Minho didn't even give him a break and pounced on Seojun again. He pinned his arm behind his back and grabbed him by the hair, just about to start bashing his head into the ground.

Jisung decided not to stop Minho as this was deserved but then he saw something glimmer in Seojun's pocket. Minho hadn't noticed yet due to his anger and Seojun grinned as he took out a small knife with his other hand. Jisung sprinted over and shoved Minho off of Seojun just as Seojun lunged his arm back, trying to stab Minho. Jisung however had protected Minho just right before Seojun swung his arm but this resulted in him getting cut on his leg.

Jisung rolled to the side, grimacing in agony as Minho quickly took his shirt off and started bandaging Jisung's wound. This gave Minho deja vu as flashbacks of him in the exact position trying to save his little sister started kicking in.

Seojun, having managed to hurt someone, even though it wasn't Minho, was satisfied and left the room before any of the boys could chase him.

Minho gritted his teeth as he stared at Seojun's shadow going up the stairs to his room. Jisung sat back up. The cut wasn't that deep but it was large. His whole calf has been scratched by the knife. Minho quickly picked Jisung up bridal style before running down to the nurses office so he could get it sorted.

The nurse said it was no big deal and that it should heal by tomorrow, just try not to get it in contact with water and not do anything to tear it open. The two left and returned to the studio.

Minho was still thinking about what Seojun had said. But there was no way he made it to the hospital room without his father or Minho noticing. Plus his mother had a fatal heart attack anyways and the chances of survival were extremely thin. He decided to not think too much of it as the past was the past and you have to accept what happens. Minho looked at Jisung.

"Is your cut okay, kitten? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He questioned.

Jisung thought for a while. "Oh right- me and Seungmin made a bet last time and he said if I could upload at least two pictures of me topping you he'd give me 50 thousand won. Can you do that for me, Minnie?"

Minho turned red. "I- Okay fine. You better treat me to a mint chocolate ice cream later."

"No problem~"

Love ♡ Hate // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now