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"Oh you're back Minho. Did you leave something?" The boss questioned as Minho entered the staff lounge.

"Sir.. This is random but am I allowed to work some extra hours so I can earn more money? I can handle the ending shift."

"Huh? You want to work until it closes here? It's like six, it closes at 11 PM here.. Can you manage five hours? Don't overwork yourself. You're in that school nearby, aren't you? You gotta be busy with a lot of things so watch out for your wellbeing, yeah? Also there's no need to call me sir! The staff here are one family. Just call me Pu-reum."

"Oh, okay Pu-reum. And yeah I'll manage, thanks for your concern." Minho then lowered his voice and mumbled. "Not like I have much of a choice.. I'll have to even if I can't manage..."

"I heard that. Everything alright, Minho?"

"Yeah, just some family problems-"

"If you say so. And sure, 5 hours.. Let me think.. Since you seem to be in some trouble, I'll round up an hour to 14 thousand won and 5 hours would get you 70 thousand. Sounds good?"

"Thank you so much, sir- I mean, Pu-reum. You have my gratitude."

"Yep no problem, your partner until nine is Him-chan, the next is Kyung-soo."

"Okay, thank you." Minho bowed before hurrying out of the lounge to the counter. Him-chan, the other worker was taking someone's order. After the two finished making the order, Him-chan looked at him.

"You're not bad hm. I've never seen you before, you new?"

"Oh- Yeah, today was my first shift."

Him-chan nodded and leaned on the counter. It was pretty awkward between the two so Minho pulled out his phone. He saw a text from Jisung.



Min ur not at dorm :((

everything ok? did sm happen between u and

ur family

yeah im at the cafe working some extra hours

y??? i want u to come back

sry kitten

i have to earn some money

family things

ok gtg now

dont overwork urself

take care comeback soon

ly <3

Minho put his phone back in his pocket and sighed. It was going to be a longgg night. Him-chan left at nine and another guy, Kyung-soo came in.

"..You're not gonna leave? Doesn't your shift end with Him-chan?" Kyung-soo took off his raincoat and tossed it in his locker in the staff lounge.

"Oh, I'm working until 11 with you-"

"...Okay.. Ha-jun's my girlfriend and she's working with me. We'll cover the drinks, you the food. Alright? Don't talk to us while work."

"Uh, okay sure?"

Kyung-soo didn't seem to be fazed with Minho's presence. Minho looked at Ha-jun and Kyung-soo. They seemed to be in their mid twenties and they could also obviously tell Minho was still in school.

Two dreadful hours passed and it was 11. Minho rubbed his eyes and checked his phone. His lock screen was filled with messages from Jisung. He sighed and put the phone back before going to the back of the staff lounge to turn off the lights and close the shop for the day. Pu-reum had already left and so did Kyung-soo and Ha-jun. Minho left the cafe after closing everything.

He walked back to the school and trudged up the stairs to his dorm. Minho normally sleeps pretty late but the call from his father had made his energy go down. Minho opened the door to his dorm and saw that Jeongin had already showered and was on his bed, watching some videos on his laptop.

Jeongin looked up when Minho entered. "Bro it's like 11:49 where were you-"


"Working? At the cafe? For that long jeez.. Go shower, I ordered some Jjajangmyeon, it should arrive any second now."

"You paid for me?"

"Yeah, there was some offer if you order two. Why?"

"Oh. Thanks, let me see if I have some spare change to pay you back-"

"No need, I noticed that something must've happened since you weren't back for that long.. You normally arrive at dorm at like 7 and never go out again so yeah consider this my treat. Plus you're always cleaning up after me, thanks for that too."

"Right about that why can't you just clean up after yourself.."

"Maknae on top hehe~"


After the meal, Jeongin shut his laptop and got ready for bed. Minho however was still thinking about his past and everything that had happened. Jeongin seemed to notice and rolled over on his bed.

"...You sure you're okay? I could go over to Felix and Hyunjin's and you can invite Jisung if you want."

"Ah no need that'd be bothersome of me-"

"You need it bro, you're obviously in shambles.."

Is it that obvious..? Minho thought to himself as Jeongin stood up and grabbed his backpack before leaving the dorm and heading to Hyunlix's dorm. Minho picked up his phone and texted for Jisung to come over.

Jisung, upon receiving the text, immediately rushed over to Minho's dorm.

"Min!! You scared me.. It's 11! Are you okay? Are you tired? Do you want a massage?"

"Calm down, kitten. I'm fine."

"Top 10 lies Lee Minho had ever told. Number 1, I'm fine. Jokes aside, please just tell me everything, you're not in your normal state and it's hurting me, Min."

Minho sighed. Guess I should tell him after all..

Love ♡ Hate // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now