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Minho sat on the plastic chair next to his mother's bed. He held her by the hand and caressed it even though he knew he would never see her in life or hear her voice again. Although she might not have cared a lot for Minho, she was still his mother. The one who gave him life. Minho's eyes were slightly swollen from crying and he just stared at his mother's hand.

Half an hour had passed and Minho stood up. He finally accepted that his mom was deceased. Minho picked up his bag and left the room. His mind was messed up and not knowing what to do, he decided that he could drink the night away at a club to forget everything. When he was drunk, he wouldn't remember any memories and in his opinion, he wasn't even in reality anymore. It was as if Minho was trying to leave the world he was in and go into another realm where he could create happy memories and grasp on to them.

He swung the door to the club open and after not even 20 minutes, Minho had taken roughly seven shots of vodka. He had high alcohol toleration so it took him another three to get to an extreme point of feeling drunk. To the point where he forgot about the normal world and to the point where he felt as if he was in a dream. He wanted to be locked in this dream and to not return to reality. In this dream, he can't get hurt or sick. He can't get lost and wander off the wrong path. He can't lose or gain.

Minho sat on the high chair of the counter and buried his head in his arms. He turned around and stared at the other people in the club. Everyone was dressed fancily but he was in a plain shirt. People who passed Minho eyed him as if they knew he was going through something and wasn't supposed to be here.

Minho looked at the people dancing and it reminded him of himself dancing with Jiwoo. He was confused. Why could he still remember? This wasn't the 'dream' he normally goes in. He shook his head and blinked a few times. When he looked up again, he could see his friends, all eight of them and his little kitten, Jisung, was looking at him worriedly.

He sat up straight and realized he wasn't in a club at all. Instead he had somehow ended up in the hospital and the whole squad somehow traveled from Itaewon to Heukseok-dong. It was a good thing that Minho's hometown was also in Seoul.

"He's awake!! Min oh my god... "

Minho heard the familiar voice of Jisung. He rubbed his eyes and no, this wasn't a dream. In fact, he had dreamt about going to the club instead. Minho did originally plan to go to a club after leaving the hospital but due to the heavy rain and his messed up state, he hadn't noticed a truck coming right at him as he crossed the road.

Minho got hit by the truck and the truck driver actually took responsibility and called the hospital. After getting hit, Minho had fallen unconscious and has been in a coma for three weeks. Minho looked down at his body. It was beaten up and he had a lot of broken bones and it seemed like he had received a surgery too.

"No.. dream... shots... lock me in the dream... I don't want to leave.." Minho suffered from slight memory loss after the accident and he thought he was still in the club. "Kitten..? You're here.. why... do you want vodka.."

"Minho! Snap back to reality, this is scary!! Please.."

"Kitten.. Jiwoo... Who are the seven around you..? Did they hurt you.. Are you two okay..?" Minho carefully looked at the faces of the squad. He could only remember Jiwoo and Jisung.

Instead of being offended, the other seven grew even more concerned for Minho. They figured that he had memory loss as he said that and they all looked down at the floor, unsure of what to do or say.

Minho's eyes started to close again. "Tired.. But must stay awake... make money..." Minho whispered. He could imagine how disappointed and mad his father would be in him if he doesn't send at least one million won over by the end of this month.

"God damnit Jiwoo and Jisung! He's already in this condition and you're still not going to tell us what happened?!" Chan scolded. He was only mad because he hated to see Minho like this. Although he never seemed to show it, Chan cared a lot for Minho, probably more than other friends in the group, other than Jisung of course.

"I- He told me to keep it a secret.." Jiwoo stuttered.

As they were talking, they heard quiet sniffs from the bed. Everyone turned around and Minho, who had fallen asleep, had started crying in his dreams. Jisung and Jiwoo remembered before when Minho had cried in their arms so they weren't as surprised. However, to the other seven members, this was something they've never seen before.

"Oh my poor Minnie... He's probably having the same nightmare.." Jisung looked up at Jiwoo and they shared a look. Both knew that since the call with Minho's father last month, although Minho hadn't got a lot of sleep, he would have constant nightmares. What's worse is that it was the same one, over and over and over.. Jisung stared at the ground. Ever since meeting Jisung, Minho had become a lot more affectionate and sensitive too. Even though Jisung had only seen him cry out two times in his whole entire life, it was in the time span of being with Jisung.

"Don't blame yourself, Jisung. Everyone changes, he just becomes more emotional and lets out his feelings more. It's not entirely a bad thing.." Jiwoo patted Jisung's back as she could read his expression.

"Yeah.. Thanks Jiwoo..." Jisung nodded and stared at Minho. "Well he's resting now, let's give him some space.." Jisung whipped around and ran out of the hospital.

Everyone knew that this was hurting Jisung the most and also felt sympathetic for him.

"Let's go catch up and get lunch together to lighten the mood, I'll pay..!" Jiyoo tried sounding happy but it was extremely hard. Her tone was obviously sad but everyone nodded at her effort, comforting her slightly.  

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