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Minho and Jisung left the cafe at around 6 PM. As they were walking back to the school, Minho received a call from his dad.

"You should go back first kitten, I'll come find you after the call."

"Oh okay! Don't take too long, it looks like it's about to rain." Both looked up at the sky and saw that it had turned slightly gray and that clouds were gathering everywhere.

"Alright, catch you later~" Minho walked under a tree so in case it does rain, he won't get as wet. Jisung waved as he ran into the school.

Minho picked up the phone.

"Good evening, father.. Can I help you?" Minho knew his parents wouldn't call him because they missed him or were checking up on him so something definitely happened.

"Lee Minho. Your reports got sent over and your grades dropped significantly. What are you up to?! You used to have decent enough grades, now what's this? I'm disappointed. You better get these grades up or we'll transfer you to another school."

"..Okay, sorry."

"Also... Your mother.. She got more depressed and developed a heart condition."

"W-What? Is she okay? Is it fatal?"

"She's already had a heart attack, it was very lucky that she managed to survive it.. This is YOUR fault Minho. If you hadn't made friends with that guy and been so reckless back then, your sister would never have gotten killed and your mother would never have become depressed."

"..I..I'm sorry.. I'll send over some money..."

"We need around 10 million won for the surgery. Where will you get that, huh? Tsk. Such a mistake. Your sister was so much better than you. More obedient, had better grades and actually helped the family. You on the other hand.. What are you even doing these days? Have you done anything meaningful?"

"..N-no, father..."

"Exactly. For this month, actually do some work and earn some money for your mother. Be grateful we covered up some of the money or else you would've had to make 10 million. Also again, get those grades up and learn from your sister who's deceased because of YOU."

Minho's father hung up. Minho lowered his head and tucked the phone in his pocket. ...Heart surgery.. 10 million won... It's my fault..

The so-called "friend" Minho had made was none other than Seojun. Back in 10th grade, Minho was known for being strong and skilled at fighting. He and Seojun hung out a lot with each other due to similar personalities. Minho ended up getting a suspension when he got caught fighting with someone. What the teachers didn't know however was that the person he was fighting was a bully at the school who had hurt his own little sister. Minho's parents at that time were rather poor so Minho decided during this suspension, he could make some money. Because of his parents' recklessness and need for money, they had made a deal with the loan sharks. Minho, wanting to protect his sister, volunteered to work for the loan sharks so his sister wouldn't need to take any risks. Minho was assigned as a debt collector, going around houses to collect the debt that others owed the loan sharks.

Once, he was at a certain family's house collecting debt, he had kept their child hostage although he never had any intentions of hurting the child. His whole time at the loan sharks, not once had Minho hurt anyone physically. He just threatened people until they paid off the debts. After the family gave him the money, he left and somehow, his little sister happened to be passing by, on the way home after school. Minho smiled and ruffled her hair. The family seeing this wanted to get revenge on Minho but instead of hurting him, they killed Minho's little sister. Minho had tried his best to fend the family off but they seemed to be in some sort of clan and people just kept coming. Minho told her younger sister to stick with him but because she was young, she didn't listen and ran away, causing her own demise. And that family was none other than Seojun's.

After Minho's little sister fell, everyone immediately scattered to avoid the police and Minho tried to keep his sister alive. He tried taking his shirt off and bandaging her wound in hopes of stopping the bleeding and CPR but it didn't work and soon, his sister stopped breathing. The crimson blood was everywhere. Minho felt so empty that he couldn't even cry.

And now, because of his sister's death which was because of him, Minho's mother also developed severe depression which resulted in a heart attack.

Minho thought about his past and everything. I just.. I wanted to help... I didn't know she would come home that early and I didn't know she took that path.. And people just kept coming. I couldn't even protect myself from them... I didn't even hurt Seojun's brother.. So why did they have to... If I got stronger maybe Boram wouldn't have died... What choice was there though..? There was no way I'd let her go and work for an organization like the loan sharks.. There's nothing I could've done... I'm sorry Boram.. I'm sorry mother...

Just as Jisung had predicted, it was now raining cats and dogs outside. Minho didn't have an umbrella with him and after hearing the news, he was in no mood to go back to his dorm. Minho decided to go back to the cafe and work some extra hours, maybe even until the ending shift so he could earn some extra money.

Note: boram = minho's younger sister

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