Chapter 17

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Apologies Accepted and Forgiven, Kidnapped by the Enemy for a Royal Engagement


The plan to get to Dartz at his company, Paradise Inc, will not be easy since he has eyes on in the city. Right now, you all were at the Kaiba's "condo" as your friends talked amongst themselves while speaking about the situation you're in.

"Wait, wait, wait a second. Rebecca, you're telling us that Y/n, Asahi's little sister, is gettin' a forced marriage to Dartz?!" Joey exclaims, "Who told you?!"

"Duke, Y/n, and I bumped into one of Dartz's goons." Rebecca explains.

"And Mai was with him." Duke added.

"Really? Mai was there?" Tristan said with surprise as he turned to you, "But didn't you say you were nearly kidnapped by them?"

"Yes, and they were close to success," you replied.

"But who'd rescued you, Y/n?" Mokuba asks.

"The Inu-daiyōkai, Lord Sesshomaru," Asahi answers, "and I'm a friend of his."

"An Inu-daiyōkai?!" Joey, Tristan, and Duke exclaimed, "And you're a friend of his?!"

"To Sesshomaru's perspective, he sees my brother more of an ally since my father and mother served under his family for years." You explained, "But this is my second time to be rescued by him."

"Your second?" Téa repeated, "When was the first time he rescued you?"

This made freeze for a bit while silently looking at Asahi for help.

"That's a question she will answer for another time, Téa. Right now, we have to infiltrate Paradise Inc." Asahi confirms, "the question is how."

"That's basically it, we don't know how. Heck, he already has eyes all over the city." Joey said.

"So what should we do?" Tristan asks.

While your friends were figuring out a plan, you noticed Yami wasn't in the room until your eye gazed at a door opened halfway. You mentally sighed and head over to where Yami went, without the others noticing. Unbeknownst to you, Sesshomaru watched you leave and knew you were going after the Pharaoh.

Kilala also noticed as well and was about to go after you, but she was stopped by Asahi. The lion medic picks her up and told her not to go after you since this is something you have to face alone. After placing the nekotama with Aslan, who is in cub form, Asahi walks over to his lord/friend.

"You knew you didn't go after her, hm?"

"...This is something she has to deal with on her own."

Asahi sighed, "I know...but you love her, do you not?"

Sesshomaru said nothing as he turned his head to the side. Asahi shook his head with a smile before looking at the opened door.

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