CR: AotGG Ep 15: Gnome Gone

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Summary: Everyone has discovered that all of the Sugar Gnomes have disappeared all over Cookie Runnelia. The Gingerbread Gang and Cookie Cquad have to work together to find them while Almond Cookie and Walnut Cookie prevent them from fighting each other.

Somewhere in Cookie Runnelia, there's a quaint village for the Sugar Gnomes. Once the sunrise, Avocado Cookie came into the town to ring a bell at their town square.

"Wake up. Wake up, Sugar Gnomes. Time to start another new day," she said with a smile.

But when only crickets are heard, Avocado Cookie looks so confused. She then takes out a bugle and plays "Reville" to get the Gnomes up.

But when a combat boot is thrown into the bugle's bell, Cream Cookie's voice is heard saying, "Quit your trumpeting! My granddaughter and I are sleeping!"

Avocado Cookie then said while going over to a Sugar Gnome Cottage, "Fine. Maestro Sugar Gnome, get your Gnomes up! Maestro Sugar Gnome?"

When she opens the door, she finds his place has been ransacked and covered in black substance.

"He's not here?" she said.

Then the wind blows all of the cottage doors slightly to reveal all of the homes of the Sugar Gnomes have suffered the same fate: no Sugar Gnome in sight, ransacked and covered in black substance.

"That's not good! Time to set the alarm," said Avocado Cookie, rushing to the square.

She finds a Sugar Gnome statue holding a hammer and presses its nose. The figure then went down to replace the figure with a giant red industrial signal beacon.

It then went off to create a loud alarm that it's heard all over Cookie Runnelia as it says, "GNOME GONE! GNOME GONE! GNOME GONE! GNOME GONE!"

Another combat boot is thrown at the beacon that makes stop making noise, and Cream Cookie's voice says, "SHUTTAUP!!!"

"Man, that Cream Cookie can be a grouch at times," Avocado Cookie commented.

Then she threw a chair at Avocado Cookie before Cream Cookie's voice said, "I heard that, Avocado Cookie! Instead of waking up everyone, why not report this situation to the Cookie Council?!"

"Fine, if we have to do it the hard way," she responds.

"Good! Because I need beauty sleep! And so does Strawberry Cookie!"

Avocado Cookie then stood up to walk off.

Meanwhile, at the Gingerbread Twins' house, Choco Drop and Cheese Drop are sleeping on the couch in the living room. GingerBrave and GingerBright then came in with bowls of cereal in their hands.

After yawning, they hopped on the couch, which surprised their pets awake as they said with big smiles, "Good morning, Choco Drop and Cheese Drop."

Their pets barked as they circled where the Twins were sitting before licking their faces. The twins laughed before eating some of their breakfast and sharing some of it with their pets.

"GingerBrave, this might sound crazy to you, but have you heard some shouting Gnome Gone or something?" GingerBright asks.

"No. I did hear Cream Cookie shouting about getting her beauty sleep and Strawberry Cookie's," he responded.

"Do you have a thing for her, Big Bro?"

"Don't blame me. It isn't my fault that she charms me all the time. And don't tell anyone. Strawberry Cookie is the only one who shows me pure fear in a good way."

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