BONUS: Chapter 27

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Rebecca stared out onto the front lawn from the window, watching as the snow covered the ground. It made the holidays feel even more real, along with the decorations and Christmas lights coming from not only their house, but the whole neighborhood.

It made her heart warm, to know that this Christmas season she wasn't going to be spending it trapped in an abusive household with someone who could care less about the holiday season. Who could care less about her and her well being. Who could care less about his daughter. Her daughter.

A car door slammed, making Rebecca's disgusted face turn into a happy one. She smiled as she watched Colby get Saylor out of the car—and helping her get her coat and tiny beanie on.

He held her hand as they walked up to the front door, and when they got close enough, Rebecca jumped off the couch and opened the door for them. "Hey you two!"

Colby smiled as Saylor jumped into her mothers arms. "It's so cold..."

Rebecca smiled and she kissed her cold cheek. "That's why daddy tried to bundle you up." Colby said shutting the front door. He then took off his snow boots and laid them next to the door. "Do you want to tell mommy what we did?"

Saylor giggled as she took off her coat. "Daddy took me to get a hot chocolate!"

Rebecca smiled as she looked at Colby. "Aww, that was very sweet of him." She then walked over and kissed his cheek, making him smile. "Did you guys do anything else?"

Colby wrapped his arms around her and nodded. "We went to the store and she helped pick her mother out a Christmas gift...then i stopped to bring you a coffee." He then picked it up from a small table next to the door. "But someone had a few sips of it so I had to take it from her."

Saylor scoffed. "I just tasted the whipped cream!"

Rebecca smiled as Colby leaned down and kissed her. "Thank you, love."

"So, what have you done since we've been gone?" He asked moving them to the living room. "Build a snowman?"

Rebecca smiled as he sat them down on the couch. "I just wrapped some more presents then watched some tv." He adjusted her legs over his as she rested her head on his chest. "Thank you for taking her out. You have no idea how much that means to her...and to me."

Colby smiled and kissed her. "That's what a father is supposed to do. I love and adore you two more than anything."

Rebecca kissed him again, but was interrupted by Saylor—who was giving them the biggest sad face. "When do we get to open presents?"

Colby chuckled while Rebecca shook her head. "Say say, you don't have to give us the big puppy eyes." Saylor straightened up and crossed her arms. Rebecca then looked back at Colby. "Do you think Saylor has been a good girl this year?"

Colby acted like he was thinking real hard, then Saylor climbed up on the couch to wrap her arms around him. "I'm always a good girl!"

Colby then looked at Rebecca, trying not to smile. "Do you think she has been a good girl?"

Saylor squeezed harder before kissing his cheek. "Daddy..."

Colby then smiled and he wrapped his arms around her kissing her cheek, which made her laugh. "You've been an angel this year."

Saylor raised her arms in the air. "Yay!" She then jumped off the couch, running towards the tree. "Which ones are mine?"

Rebecca got up and separated the presents out. "Alright. You can open them now!"

Saylor smiled and before they knew it, the living room was covered in wrapping paper. Rebecca sat there with a smile on her face the entire time, soaking in their first happy Christmas. Colby had his arm wrapped around her, making sure she knew how much this meant to him as well.

Once Saylor was done she came over and hugged them both. "Thank you! I love you mommy. I love you too daddy."

"We love you more Say..." Rebecca said kissing her cheek. "Did you like all your gifts?"

Saylor nodded. "Yeah I love them all so much!"

Colby smiled. "Well good. Do you want to help me give mommy hers?"

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows. "Colby...I don't need anything."

Saylor then went under the tree to grab a bag. Colby cupped Rebecca's face and gave her a kiss. "After the year you've had, you deserve the world."

Rebecca smiled and watched as Saylor brought the gift over to him. Colby ruffled her hair and then Saylor went back to playing with her new toys.

"Open this one first." Colby said handing her a bag.

Rebecca smiled and grabbed it eagerly, excited to see what was inside. Her face lit up when she saw what it was. "How did you know I wanted this?"

Colby smiled and shrugged. "I saw you eyeing it at the mall. And you needed a fashionable I thought it would go good with your purse."

Rebecca smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. I love it!" She then gave him a sad smile. "I just got you a I feel bad."

Colby shook his head. "I loved my gift! I didn't need anything else babe, I have you...and that one..." He laughed at the last part as he watched Saylor play.

Rebecca smiled. "There's one more." Colby said turning around and grabbing a small box. "You deserve a more romantic place for this, but I couldn't afford the place I wanted to do this i thought I'd just do it here." Colby smiled at her. "I also couldn't wait any longer. I've been waiting for a month now and it's driving me insane."

Rebecca chuckled and smiled, trying not to tear up. "I love you, Rebecca, so much. I always have, and I always will." Colby then nervously opened up the box to reveal the ring. "I'm so glad you chose me to love and protect you two, and i promise to always do so. I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."

Rebecca released a breath she didn't realize she was holding, and gave him a teary eyed smile. "Colby..."

"Will you marry me?" He asked smiling.

Rebecca wiped tears away from her eyes. "Are you serious?" She asked barely a whisper. When Colby smiled even bigger, Rebecca pulled him in for a soft hug. "Yes." She smiled and pulled back wiping her face. "Yes I will marry you!"

Colby got the ring out and placed it on her finger before kissing her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Lopez." Rebecca connected their lips once again.

Colby then smiled and pulled back rubbing her hand. "Do you like it?"

Rebecca nodded and held up her hand. "I love it! It's beautiful Colby..."

Saylor then came back down the hall with one of her new toys in hand. "Did she say yes?" She asked excitedly.

Colby nodded and pulled Saylor up on the couch with them. "She said yes Say!"

Saylor smiled and hugged him, then she hugged Rebecca. "Are you happy?"

Rebecca smiled and kissed her daughter's cheek before kissing Colby. "Mommy has never, ever been happier..."

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