Chapter 19

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A few days had went by and it was now Wednesday, the last day of school. Colby and Rebecca had been dating since Saturday, and things were going well. They went into work early that morning so that they could decorate their classrooms for the "last day of school" party, that Rebecca helped plan.

They were currently in her classroom, hanging fairy lights up around the room. "Ok hand me the next set." Colby said standing on a chair.

Rebecca opened another box of fairy lights and handed them to him. He untangled them and started hanging them from the ceiling. "Is this ok?"

Rebecca looked up there and nodded. "Yes! It's perfect! Thank you Colby."

He stepped down from the chair and gave her a kiss. "You're welcome love." They both smiled and looked around at the lights. "It looks really good. I think you should leave them up there." When she looked at him confused he continued. "I mean don't take them down after the party, keep them up their for the next school year."

Rebecca nodded when she understood what he meant. She picked up the empty boxes and threw them away before going back over to Colby again. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him as his hands wrapped around her waist. "Speaking of next school year....Saylor will be starting preschool."

Colby's eyes went wide as he looked down at her. "Shit...I forgot all about that." Rebecca chuckled. "She's growing too fast."

Rebecca nodded. "Tell me about it...I feel like I just gave birth a couple of months ago." Colby swayed them back and forth like awkward teenagers at a school dance. The school bell rang and the two stopped and looked up at each other smiling. "It's our last day..."

Colby leaned down and connected their lips. "Our last day till summer break..."

                   .      .      .      .      .      .      .       .      .     

"I need help!" Saylor exclaimed. Her and Colby were setting up a surprise in the kitchen for Rebecca since it was Mother's Day. They were attempting to make her pancakes, so she could have a breakfast in bed. "I can't wrap it."

Colby chuckled as he sat the pancake spatula down and went over to help Saylor. "Here little love." Colby wrapped the present and had Saylor stick the bow on it. "See, you did good!"

Saylor giggled and sat the present on the counter next to a bouquet of flowers. "Are the pancakes done yet?"

"They're almost done, do you want to flip one?" Colby asked looking over at her.

Saylor nodded and Colby walked behind her to help her flip one. She had the pancake on the spatula and tried to flip it but she flipped it on the floor instead. "Oops."

Colby laughed and shook his head. "I've got it. Stay there." He bent down and got the pancake and threw it away. He walked back over to Saylor and helped her flip the rest of the pancakes before they sat them out on a plate. "Is that how you want it to look like?"

Saylor nodded. "Yeah, but can we add stawbewies on top of them?" She asked innocently.

Colby shook his head smiling. "Yes Saylor...we will add strawberries on top."

Colby went to the fridge and pulled out a box of strawberries before cutting them up in tiny pieces. Saylor picked two of them up and stuck them in her mouth. "Yummy!"

"Hey little miss." Colby said sitting the knife down and tickling her, making her squirm and giggle. "Help me put the rest of them on top ok?"

Saylor nodded and gently laid some on top. "All done!"

Colby raised his hand up in the air and she gave him a high five before he hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Alright now we need to pour her some syrup."

He went to the pantry and grabbed a bottle and poured it into a bowl sitting it on the tray. "Are we ready?" Saylor asked stepping off of her stool.

"Yep. Grab her present and her card ok?" Saylor grabbed the present and picked up the card, while Colby carried the food up stairs.

Rebecca had been awake since about 8. She felt Colby get out of bed so she never went back to sleep, but when she heard the two coming up the stairs she laid her head down and closed her eyes.

The door opened up slowly revealing Colby and Saylor. "We have to be quiet ok?"

"Ok..." Saylor whispered. They walked into the room, "Happy Mother's Day mommy!" Saylor exclaimed loudly.

Colby shook his head and laid the tray down on the nightstand. "Hi baby!" Rebecca said scooping Saylor up and peppering her face with kisses. Saylor handed her the card and her present. "Aw, thank you sweetheart."

"Open it!" Saylor said sitting beside of her while Colby sat down on the other side of her. 

Rebecca smiled while opening her card. She read the front before opening it up seeing the picture Saylor drew. "I love it, thank you baby." Rebecca kissed her daughter's cheek and sat the card aside before Saylor handed her the present.

When Rebecca opened it up her mouth dropped. Colby smiled and rubbed her thigh as he watched her pull out the necklace. "You like it?"

Rebecca looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I love it..." She whispered out.

Colby smiled as she leaned up and kissed him. "You are the best..." She laughed. She picked the necklace up and examined it better. "Can you put it on me?"

Colby nodded and took it from her. He gently moved her hair out of the way and hooked the necklace around her neck. He kissed the spot he hooked it at before stepping back. "It looks good on you babe."

Rebecca smiled again and looked down at it. "Did you help him pick it out?" She asked Saylor.

Saylor shook her head. "No." She loved over to her and touched it. "What does it mean?"

Rebecca smiled, "Its mine, yours, and Colby's birthstones shaped into a small heart."

Saylor smiled. "That's so cool!"

Rebecca smiled too and looked over at Colby with teary eyes, holding his hand. "Yeah...yeah it is."

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