Chapter 14

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After the three finished dinner, Rebecca took Saylor into the bathroom to give her a bath while Colby cleaned up the kitchen. Rebecca put Saylor into her pjs and now they were in the living room together.

Colby decided to put on a movie for them all to watch, so they were cuddled up on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast. Kevin was curled up beside of Rebecca, while she ran her hand through his fur and Saylor was sitting in between the two, watching the movie.

When the movie was finished, Saylor looked up a Colby innocently. "Hey C?"

Colby looked down at her. "Yeah?"

Saylor slid off of the couch and stood in front of him. "Can you make my hair like Belle?"

Rebecca smiled and looked over at Colby. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her. "I can braid your hair if that's what you want me to do..."

Saylor nodded and scrunched her shoulders up to her neck excitedly. "Yay!" She jumped up and down before Colby picked her up and placed her in front of him.

Rebecca got up and got him a brush and a hair tie and brought it over to Colby, sitting down beside of him watching the two.

Colby brushed out her hair and attempted to braid it. Saylor had naturally curly hair, which meant it was difficult to get into a braid. After a while though, Colby got it finished, and tied the bottom with a tie. "All done! Do you like it?"

Saylor walked over to a mirror and looked at herself smiling. "I love it!" She ran back over to Colby and hugged him. "Now my turn!"

Colby chuckled. "Oh so you want to fix my hair now?" Saylor nodded and looked at Rebecca. Rebecca smiled and got a hair tie before handing it to Saylor.

Saylor looked up at him confused before patting his shoulder. "Could you move to the floor? I too short."

Colby nodded and moved down in front of her. "Better?"

Saylor smiled and nodded, and began brushing Colby's hair. Colby was smiling the whole time, as he felt Saylor attempt to fix his hair. Rebecca sat on the couch watching them both, with a huge smile on her face.

Once Saylor liked how his hair looked, which was just a big mess, she moved in front of him and examined his face. Colby looked at her with awe, before she moved her hands through his beard smiling. "I done C!"

Colby smiled and kissed her nose. "I love it Say. You did such a good job."

Saylor smiled and gave him another hug. "You two have really pretty hair now." Rebecca said running a hand over Saylor's braid before running a hand through Colby's hair.

"Do I look like Belle?" Colby asked the both of them.

Saylor laughed. "No! I look like Belle! You can be beast!"

Colby gasped making Saylor laugh even more. "How dare you...I thought I looked like a pretty pretty princess."

"No silly!" Saylor then looked over at Rebecca and laughed. "He's so silly mommy!"

Rebecca chuckled and ruffled her daughters hair. "I know Saysay."

Rebecca looked up at the clock and seen it was 8:30. "Well, Saylor-"

"No it's Belle!" She exclaimed. "I Belle mama."

"Oh I'm sorry, Belle, it's time for bed." Rebecca stood up and reached her hand out for her daughter. "Do you want to tell beast goodnight?"

Saylor nodded and hugged Colby tight. "I love you Saylor."

"I love you too C." Colby then kissed her cheek and tickled her before standing up and handing her to Rebecca. "Come on Mama, i sleepy."

Rebecca chuckled and walked upstairs to Saylor's bedroom. Colby turned off the tv and cleaned up their mess that they made in the living room. And once he was done he turned off all of the lights and made sure the doors were locked, before heading upstairs to his bedroom.

He stopped at his door when he seen Rebecca walk out of Saylor's room. They smiled awkwardly at each other. "She's in bed."

Colby nodded and stepped back from his door looking at her. "Ok." She nodded and looked down at her feet.

"I'm sorry for earlier by the way." Colby looked at her confused before she continued. "I shouldn't have kissed you, and I feel bad for making you feel like you needed to kiss me back." She paused for a second and watched as he blinked worriedly. "I'm glad you were there to help me, trust me you don't know how scared I was, but I'm sorry for kissing you."

She smiled and started walking towards her room. When her hand touched the door knob though, Colby was at her side with his hand on hers. "Can I say something?"

Rebecca's breath hitched and she looked down at their hands before swallowing, and looking up at Colby. She opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't, so she nodded instead. "I'm glad you kissed me..." He whispered.

Rebecca's breath sped up and he started moving his other hand up and down her body. "I'm so glad you kissed me. I have been waiting to capture your lips in mine since the first time I laid eyes on you."

Colby gently turned her around and made her look at him. "You have no idea what you do to me Becks. How you make me feel."

Rebecca looked up at him with tears forming in her eyes. "I don't know how anyone could treat you bad. You are the most beautiful and caring person I've ever met. I feel really guilty for not telling you this sooner, but we both know how I am." He rested his forehead against hers as she chuckled. "I'm so in love with you Becks...I have been for a long time."

Rebecca's heart melted right then and there, listening to the man she had been in love with for years, finally reveal the truth. Colby cupped her face before leaning down and capturing their lips. Not breaking the kiss he moved one hand to her neck while the other one wrapped around her waist.

Rebecca's hands went around his neck, while one got tangled in his hair. The two's lips started dancing, and their hands started roaming around one another's body's. Colby moved his hands below her waist and lifted her up in the air.

He carried her into his bedroom and shut the door before pushing her against it. His lips trailed down to her neck making her gasp. He looked back up at her, both of their eyes in a daze, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this."

Rebecca smiled and rested her forehead against his. "Me either." The two smiled before she connected their lips once again.

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