Chapter 8

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After the phone call ended Colby cleaned up the bedroom and tried to make it suitable for Rebecca. He knew she wouldn't care what it looked like, but he wanted her and Saylor to feel at home.

As he walked around her bedroom, he ran a finger over the pictures of him and Rebecca when they were kids. He chuckled when he got to another one, which was him and Rebecca smiling with ice cream smeared all over their faces.

His bedroom was right across from hers and the room he was going to make Saylor's was further on down the hall, so the three would be close together. Colby also cleaned up the kitchen and moved some things down off of the top shelves, so Rebecca could reach them.

He also made sure he had all of Saylor's toys and favorite things in the bedroom, so she could play with them whenever she wanted. He left a few in the living room though, just in case she wanted to play with them in there while him and Rebecca were in there.

Once he was comfortable with everything he walked back into the living room and waited for them to come. It was almost 10, but since it was Saturday him nor Rebecca had to work, so that gave them the weekend to get settled in.

A few minutes later Rebecca pulled into his driveway. Saylor hadn't stopped smiling since she found out where they were going, and the little girl couldn't wait to go inside. "I so happy mommy!" Saylor exclaimed from the backseat.

Rebecca smiled and turned off the car before getting out. She opened up Saylor's car door and unbuckled her from her car seat. "I know Say! Mommy's happy too!"

Rebecca picked her up and set her on the ground, holding her hand as they walked up to the front door. When they reached the porch Colby opened the door with a smile plastered on his face. Saylor jumped up and down excitedly and ran into his arms. "Hi Saylor!" He said catching her and giving her a big hug.

Saylor wrapped her tiny little arms around Colby's neck. "C! Me and mama staying with you!"

"Yeah I know! We're gonna have so much fun." He kissed her cheek and set her down so she could go play with Kevin. He then looked over at Rebecca who had moved over to the car to get the stuff. He quickly walked over there and wrapped his arms around Rebecca softly. "Becks...leave the bags i'll get them."

Rebecca looked up at him softly before he turned her around and examined the bruising around her body. "What the fuck! He did that to you?!"

Rebecca nodded slowly and looked down. " Colby i'm fine, really."

Colby shook his head. "Rebecca you're not fine." He gently rubbed a hand over her face, while the other one gently ran over her abdomen. He then pulled her into a gentle hug.

Rebecca wrapped her arms around him and thanked him. "You don't have to thank me. I've got you some hot chocolate made, it's on the counter." Rebecca nodded and pulled back from the hug.Colby then kissed her forehead and watched as she walked in the house before grabbing the two bags and bringing them inside.

He sat the bags down and looked around to see Saylor petting on Kevin, and he saw Rebecca standing in the kitchen drinking her hot chocolate. "I'm going to take these to the bedroom ok?" Rebecca nodded at his words and watched as he went upstairs.

A few seconds later Colby was back downstairs where the two girls were. He walked into the kitchen where Rebecca was and sat next to her at the bar stool. " really didn't have to do all of this. I know we can be a lot to thank you." She rested her hand on top of his.

Colby smiled at her and rubbed his thumb across her hand. "You don't have to thank me, you know how much i love you two." Saylor then ran into the kitchen where they were and reached her arms out for Colby.

Colby smiled and picked her up and onto his lap, tackling her sides making her squirm. "Can we watch olaf?"

Colby chuckled and bounced her on his knee. "Yeah we can watch frozen." He stood up with her still in his arms before looking at Rebecca. He reached out his hand towards her, "Come on mama."

Rebecca grabbed it and the three of them went into the living room to get the movie started. Half way through the movie, Colby had two girls on top of him asleep. Saylor was sprawled out on his chest while Rebecca's head was buried into his neck. Colby chuckled at the two before turning off the tv. He saw it was dark outside so he was going to grab the couch blanket and lay it on top of them, but when he moved Rebecca started to stir. "Hey."

Rebecca looked up at Colby and smiled. "Hi." She said wiping her eyes. "Sorry...i was just tired...i didn't mean to-"

"Becks it's ok. I know you don't get that much sleep anymore, so i just let you lay there." Rebecca nodded at his words and followed his eyes to his chest. "I must be a great pillow because you're not the only one to fall asleep on me."

Rebecca chuckled at the sight of her daughter. She stood up to grab her but Colby shook his head. "I've got her. I'll take her into the bedroom if you want me to..." When Rebecca nodded Colby stood up and cradled a sleeping Saylor to his chest.

Rebecca followed Colby into the guest bedroom, which was now their room, and pulled back the sheets on the bed. Colby dropped Saylor down softly while Rebecca brought over her favorite teddy bear and laid it in her arms. She then grabbed her paci and gave it to Saylor before kissing her on the cheek. "Night Mama." Saylor opened her eyes and looked over at Colby, who leaned down and gave her a hug. "Night C..."

"Good night Saylor." Colby said standing back up straight.

Rebecca turned off the light then her and Colby left the room. They walked to the end of the hallway before turning towards each other. "I can't thank you enough. You don't know how much this means to me...letting us stay here...thank you Colby."

Colby smiled and pulled Rebecca into a hug. They squeezed each other with love before they both stepped back reluctantly. Colby stared down at Rebecca, "Good night Red."

Rebecca gave him a small smile. "Good night Colby."

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