Chapter 24

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The officer escorted Rebecca back to her seat before another one escorted Matthew up to the jury box. His lawyer, Jenny, went up to the stand. She stared a hole right through Rebecca, so she knew they had some kind of lie pulled up their sleeves.

"You doing ok?" Ashley asked sitting her notepad and pen down beside of her.

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah...just nervous."

Ashley squeezed her shoulder. "You have nothing to be nervous about Becks. We all know you're telling the truth."

"So Ms. Quin stated that Mr. Matthew has abused her, but now we're going to here the truth." Jenny said looking towards Matthew. "Matthew can you tell us what really happened the night you found out Rebecca was pregnant?"

Matthew nodded. "Yeah...she came home and was all excited. It brought a smile to my face to see her so happy, so I was curious about what happened. We hugged just like she explained, and then we got into a small disagreement about the news." He paused for a second before continuing. "I turned around to go into our bedroom and she grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me back. When she did so she stumbled over the top stair and went tumbling down. I tried to catch her but she fell down the stairs quickly."

Rebecca shook her head and looked down. Jenny nodded and flipped through another paper. "So you didn't push her correct?"

Matthew nodded. "Correct."

"Now, the night that you came home and "verbally abused" her, what was going through your mind?" Jenny asked.

Matthew shook his head. "I was shocked." He took a breath before continuing. "I didn't know what to think, and we sure as hell wasn't ready for a kid. We weren't engaged or married, so I didn't think we would be able to raise one."

Jenny nodded and flipped through some more papers. "Rebecca stated that you have abused her for years, can you give us your side of the story?"

Matthew nodded and straightened up in his chair. "I loved Rebecca, I still do, and i always will. She's an amazing person. I never, ever abused that lovely woman." He stared right at Rebecca. "And it hurts to know that she's telling these lies to people...and worse, to our daughter. She been telling these lies to our baby girl and she's going to grow up thinking her dad is a monster."

Jenny shook her head and nodded sympathetically. "Thank you for your time. No further questions your honor."

. . . . . . . . .

"He's going to win..." Rebecca said looking straight ahead at the wall. After the trial ended the three went home. It was now 9 and Saylor was asleep so Colby and Rebecca were in their bedroom. Colby was scrolling through his phone when he looked over and listened to Rebecca. "He's already making believable lies and today was just trial one..."

Rebecca rested her head in her hands with her elbows planted on her knees, letting some tears come out. Colby tossed his phone on a nearby chair and went over and sat beside of her, caressing her back softly. "Baby you're not going to lose." He gently moved her wrists from her face and cupped her cheeks. "He's not going to win. He's lying, and it's pretty obvious who's side everyone is on...yours." Colby wiped a tear off of her cheek and kissed her forehead. "You have prove of all of the things he's done to you, there's no way he'll win."

Rebecca looked at him and closed her eyes. "Do i need to say something different? Do I need to-"

"You don't need to do anything different love." Rebecca opened her eyes and listened to him. "You are telling the truth, and that's how your going to win. He may be trying to play the victim, but we all know you're the victim Rebecca."

Rebecca nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "I love you Colby."

Colby smiled and kissed her neck. "I love you more." They sat there hugging each other for a few minutes before Colby slightly pulled back kissing her cheek. "I'm going to run you a warm bath so you can relax ok?"

Rebecca smiled and leaned in and connected their lips. "You're the best."

Colby smiled and kissed her once more. "Stay here I'll be back."

Rebecca watched as he moved around the master bathroom, getting her favorite pjs out—which was one of his shirts—and setting them out on the counter for her. He also grabbed a towel and put it in the dryer for it to warm up for when she got out.

Once the tub was filled up, Colby left the bathroom so she could relax. She tied her hair up into a messy bun before taking off her clothes and putting them in the hamper. She got into the tub and immediately felt better. She smiled to herself and sunk further into the water resting her head on the back edge.

Colby came in there a few minutes later and stood at the doorframe watching her. She looked up at him and smiled. "Hey."

Colby smiled and moved towards her. "Hey. You feeling better?"

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah...much better." She then sat up and scooted forward. "Wanna join?"

Colby smiled and sat down on the edge. "Only if you want me to." When Rebecca leaned up and kissed him he got up and took his clothes off before settling in behind her.

He wrapped his arms around her, letting her relax into him. "Thank you." Rebecca said closing her eyes and melting into him.

Colby kissed her head and gave her body a small squeeze. "You're welcome love." Rebecca moved her hand up to his arms and rested them on top of his. The two stayed like that for a while, soaking in the warmth of each other.

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