Chapter 20

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2 months had went by and the three had been enjoying their summer. Rebecca and Colby had all the time in the world to spend time together. Whether it was watching a movie, cuddling up on the couch, or making love for hours straight, the two were falling more in love every day.

They would also sleep in every morning—including Saylor—and when they woke up they ate breakfast and started their day. There was multiple trips to the park, and they also went to a water park, which Saylor really enjoyed. She had never been in a pool before, so she had a fun first time experience.

Colby and Rebecca were currently tangled up in the bed, making out. Rebecca's leg was wrapped around his leg while his hand was wrapped around her naked body. His other hand was caressing her thigh while her hands were tangled up in his hair.

Rebecca rolled him over on his back and pulled back looking at him. "What's our plans for today?" She asked leaving a trail of kisses down his chest.

Colby moved his hand into her hair, "Well...I thought about taking Saylor to the aquarium." He moaned when she reached his abdomen. "But I'm fine with staying in the bed all day if-"

Rebecca shut him up by taking him in with her mouth. Colby gasped and his hand tightened in her hair. One of her hands ran up and down his chest as she sucked him. Colby moved her head up and pulled her back up towards him. "What? You said you was fine staying in bed all day..."

Colby smiled and kissed her hard. Rebecca moaned as she moved up onto him, trying to position herself were she could ease down on him, but he rolled her over onto her back pinning her to the bed. "Mama?" Saylor said from outside the door.

Colby growled into her mouth as he kissed her once again. He pulled back and smiled. "I'll be in the shower." When she nodded he leaned down and kissed her again. "I love you."

Rebecca smiled as she watched him get up off of the bed. "I love you too."

Once Colby shut the door Rebecca got up and put her pjs back on. "Hang on baby, mommy's coming."

Rebecca walked over to the mirror and made sure she looked ok before walking over to the door. She opened it up and Kevin came running in. He ran around and jumped on the bed while Saylor walked in with her paci in mouth and her favorite stuffed animal in hand. "Hi mama."

Rebecca smiled and picked her up, kissing her cheek multiple times. "Good morning princess." She sat Saylor on her hip and walked to the bed to pet on Kevin.

"Are we doing anything fun today?" Saylor asked looking up at her mother.

Rebecca smiled. "Yes of course we are!"

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"Wow! Look at that one!" Saylor said pointing to some penguins behind a glass wall. "They so cute!"

Rebecca smiled as she watched how excited Saylor was looking at all of the animals. Colby was on the other side of them looking a some fish. Saylor had looked at them too, but when she saw a penguin slide down a slide, she ran over to see them. "Look at that one Saylor! It's a baby." Rebecca said pointing towards a baby penguin.

Saylor gasped. "It's like me!" She said looking up at her mother. "A baby." She then looked back in front of her. "Where is its mommy?"

Rebecca looked around curiously. "I'm not for sure...there is a lot of penguins so it could be any of them."

Colby walked back over there to where they were standing. "Did you know fish can communicate with one another?" Rebecca looked at him trying not to laugh. "How is that even possible?" Rebecca laughed and grabbed Saylor's hand, so she wouldn't get left behind, and they started walking to the next area. "Why are you laughing at me?"

Rebecca smiled and reached up to kiss his cheek. "Because it was funny to see you be so interested in something like that." Colby shook his head as Rebecca intertwined their hands. "Saylor, where do you want to go next sweetheart?"

Saylor looked around and pointed towards the polar bear exhibit. "Can we look at bears?" She asked looking up at Colby.

Colby smiled. "Of course we can." The three walked along towards the polar bears, but almost 30 minutes later, Saylor was asleep on Colby's shoulder. "See? She had so much fun she needed a nap." Colby said as they walked to the car.

Rebecca smiled as she opened up the back seat door for Colby to strap her in her car seat. "Well, she had fun and that's all the matters." She said putting they're bags in the car. Once Colby had Saylor strapped in, and Rebecca was ready to go, he drove out of the parking lot.

Colby was parked at a red light when he reached over and put his hand on Rebecca's thigh. "Thank you Colby, for making us so will never know how much i appreciate you."

Colby smiled over at her and leaned over the console to kiss her. "I love you."

Rebecca smiled and kissed him again. "I love you more."

"Not possible love." Colby said shaking his head, making Rebecca laugh. When the light finally turned green he started driving again, but when he turned the corner a car ran into them, swinging them into a ditch.

Saylor screamed and started crying, and Rebecca was breathing heavily with Colby checking her over. "Becks are you ok? Are you hurt?" He rubbed some hair out of her face and when she nodded and squeezed his hand he turned his attention towards a screaming Saylor. He reached back and gently rubbed her thigh. "Saylor...are you ok?"

Saylor wiped her eyes and continued crying. Rebecca got out of the car wobbly and went back to the back to check on her daughter. "Saylor baby are you ok?"

Saylor nodded and reached up towards her and Rebecca cradled her daughter to her chest. "Babe are you two ok?" Colby asked panicking as he walked up beside of her.

"We're ok love." Colby sighed and cradled them both to his chest protectively. "We're ok..."

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