Chapter 2

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"So you colored and played with dolls huh?" Rebecca asked as she drove through the streets of Iowa.

"Yeah! C funny!" Saylor exclaimed playing with her favorite stuffed animal. Rebecca had gotten her a teddy bear for her second birthday, and Saylor has loved it ever since. She took it everywhere and if she didn't she was cranky.

"C's so funny! Did he feed you good?" Rebecca looked back into the rear view mirror to see Saylor smile.

"We ate pisa!" She exclaimed again.

Rebecca chuckled and smiled. "You mean pizza?"

Saylor looked up at her mother. "That's what i say!"

Rebecca laughed and continued driving on the road. She enjoyed talking with her daughter about her day. Saylor couldn't talk the best, but Rebecca always knew what she was meaning. Every time Rebecca picks Saylor up from Colby's or Mercedes', she always tells her mother about her day.

Rebecca pulled into the driveway of their home and stopped the car. Rebecca was hoping that she would be able to take Saylor to the park after she fixed supper, but the sun was setting, so it would be dark soon.

Rebecca got out of the car and went to the back seat to get Saylor. She lifted her up and put her in the ground. Rebecca opened the passenger door and grabbed her purse before grabbing Saylor's little hand and walking towards the house.

Rebecca was hoping that Matthew was in a good mood, because if he wasn't, she would pay the price for it. She unlocked the door with her keys and went inside. Saylor waved towards Matthew and went to her bedroom. He threatened the hurt Saylor the other day because she had never said "Dada" or "Daddy" which made Rebecca worried for her daughters sake. Rebecca knew Saylor wanted nothing to do with him, because she liked "C" more. "He treat me good!" Saylor would say, which broke Rebecca's heart knowing that her three year old knew what her father had done.

"Hey." Matthew said breaking up Rebecca's thoughts. He stood up with a beer bottle in hand and walked over to Rebecca who was sitting her stuff down. He opened up his arms expecting her to hug him, but she gave him a sad smile and walked into the kitchen. Matthew scoffed and followed her. "Wow! We're being a bitch today are we?"

Rebecca tensed up while she grabbed some food out of the freezer. "I'm not being a bitch Matthew...i've worked all day i'm tired."

Matthew chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Tired huh?" He scoffed again before walking over to her. "There's nothing to be tired from Rebecca. All you do is teach some dumb shit to ratchet kids."

Rebecca scoffed and turned around. "Don't you dare say that kids are ratchet. Our daughter is in her room right now Matt!"

He laughed and took another swig of his beer. "Right. Sorry." He said sarcastically throwing the beer bottle away. "What are you fixing? I'm starving."

Rebecca grabbed a chopping board to cut up some vegetables. "I'm going to fix vegetable soup. It will take about an hour for me to fix."

Matthew chuckled and ran a hand over his face. "Seriously? I have to wait and hour to eat...great. And by the time it's done, it's not even worth eating because your cooking sucks!" He walked off into the living room to turn on the tv.

Rebecca looked down as her heart began to speed up. "I'm trying my best Matthew...if you don't like it then why do you ask me to cook for you?" She immediately regretted her words when she saw him give her a death glare.

He grabbed the remote and threw it at Rebecca from across the living room. Rebecca put her hands up to defend herself but it hit her in the head then crashed to the floor. "Don't you dare smart off to me you piece of shit!" He yelled getting closer to her. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her towards him. He looked at her while tears welded up in her eyes. "Get the damn soup fixed!" He screamed in her face.

Rebecca stepped back and wiped her face before continuing to cook. Matthew went into the living room and sat down before Saylor waddled into the kitchen where her mother stood. Saylor lifted her arms up to be held, "Mama! Mama!"

Rebecca put on a fake smile and picked up her daughter and cradled her head to her chest. "Are you hungry little love?"

Saylor nodded against her mothers chest, sucking her thumb. "Yeah! I eating soup?"

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah momma's making soup!"

Matthew let out a dry laugh. "Saylor leave your mom alone and let her cook me something to eat."

Rebecca frowned and looked over at him. "She's fine Matt, I'm holding her while i cook." Rebecca smiled.

Matthew looked over at her and scoffed. "That's not what i asked! Saylor go to your room!"

Rebecca cradled Saylor to her chest and walked to her bedroom quickly. She placed Saylor on the ground and kissed her cheek. "Mommy will save you some soup ok? I love you munchkin."

Saylor smiled and wrapped her arms around her mothers neck. "I love you mama." Saylor then went and played with her barbie's while Rebecca walked back to the kitchen to cook.

About an hour later Rebecca finally had supper ready. Her and Matthew were sitting on opposite sides of the couch while watching tv and eating. Rebecca didn't say anything. She was scared to even crunch to loud, she was scared to move.

The bruises and scratches he left on her last week were still bothering her, so she didn't want to add any more damage to her body.

She also didn't want to eat because she wanted Saylor to have something to eat. Matthew always got mad when Rebecca gave Saylor come of "his" food, although she cooked enough for three people.

Once they were done Rebecca took their plates to the sink and washed them. Matthew had thankfully fell asleep so she didn't have to worry about him. She cleaned up the kitchen before taking her daughter her food. Rebecca walked in and shut the door sitting down on the floor next to her daughter. She grabbed a spoon and fed her daughter. "Yummy mommy!" Saylor exclaimed.

Rebecca smiled and ruffled her hair. "Thank you baby."

Saylor looked up at Rebecca and frowned. "Mommy? When can we leave?"

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows at her daughters words. "What do you mean little love?"

"When can we leave that mean guy?" Saylor said pointing towards the door.

Rebecca turned around knowing Saylor was pointing towards Matthew and sighed. "I don't know baby, but i promise and you will get out of here."

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