Chapter 3

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Rebecca woke up the next morning and got ready for the day before going and getting Saylor ready. She quickly fixed them some breakfast while Saylor watched some cartoons waiting for her mother.

Before she knew it she was out the door and on her way to Colby's house. Normally Colby, Ashley, and Mercedes' would take turns watching the little girl, but Mercedes' and Ashley were both having to work in Chicago that week, so Colby took some vacation days to watch her. Rebecca, Pam, and Colby all worked at the same school, so it was easy to take time off with their schedules. Rebecca had already taken her vacation days when Matthew hurt her too bad, so Colby always saved his so he could take off to help her.

He enjoyed being around the little girl. In a way he was relieved when Rebecca would bring her over to him because he knew what all Matthew had done, and he didn't trust him one bit.

"Mama? I stay with C today right?" Saylor asked innocently in the back seat.

Rebecca nodded and looked in the rear view back at Saylor. "Yes baby, we're on our way right now."

Saylor kicked her little legs and smiled, cuddling her teddy bear. "I love staying with C!"

"You do?" Rebecca asked smiling, knowing that Saylor had told her this many times before.

"Yeah! He treat me good!" Saylor looked out the window and pointed towards some trees.

"Yeah I know Saylor! He loves you!" Rebecca kept driving on the road.

"He love me?! Only you love me..." Saylor said dimming down a little bit.

Rebecca tilted her head and looked back at her daughter. "That's not true. Mercedes, Pam, and Ashley love you. You're their best friend. And Colby loves you...he loves you so much Say." Rebecca thought about Colby and all the things he had done to help her.

When Rebecca told her that, Saylor's smile came back to life. "Ya know when mommy first found out she was pregnant C was the first person i called." Saylor looked up at her mother with awe listening to her talk. "First he was of course shocked, but then he hugged me and told me he would be there for me whenever i needed him. He was so kind throughout my pregnancy, and he was at the hospital when you were born! He was the second person to hold you actually, i was the first." Rebecca smiled back at her.

Saylor smiled. "Did Matt carry me?"

"Did Matthew hold you?" Rebecca looked back at the road. "No, Matthew wasn't there...he had to work so Ashley and Colby were in there with me. Mercedes and Pam waited out in the waiting room."

"I don't like Matthew mommy. He makes me sad." Saylor said.

Rebecca's smile turned into a sad one. "Me too Saylor, me too. But remember what i told you, mommy's going to protect you, and we're going to get away from him ok?"

Rebecca then pulled into the driveway of Colby's house. She turned off the car and got out before getting Saylor out. Rebecca grabbed her little backpack and held Saylor's hand walking to the door. She rang the doorbell and a few seconds later they saw a smiling Colby. Colby opened the door and scooped up Saylor in a hug. "Hey Say!"

Saylor giggled and wrapped her tiny little arms around his neck. Rebecca smiled as she watched the two interact. "We watch mickey?"

Colby looked at her and tapped her nose. "Of course we will! Mickey is the best." He then let Saylor down to her feet and she ran off towards the living room to play with his little yorkie kevin. Colby turned around and motioned for Rebecca to come inside. He shut the door before pulling her into a big hug. "Hey Becks..."

Rebecca returned the hug gratefully, knowing that she had been wanting a real hug since last Monday. "Hi Colby."

Colby pulled back and ran a thumb over her bruised cheek that she had covered up with makeup. "Are you ok? And don't you dare lie to me because i will know."

Rebecca shook her head and pulled away slightly. "It's nothing Colby, he said he didn't mean to bruise me."

"He says that every time Rebecca! When are you going to listen to all of us and get away from him. You can press charges and he could be sent away for don't deserve any of this Becks-"

"Colby i just can't leave him and you no that!" Rebecca looked up at him and they both had tears in their eyes. "You know what he'll do to me...and Saylor." Colby shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "You know i can't risk him hurting her."

Colby shook his head and pulled her into another hug. "I know Becks...i know." When he looked up at the clock he seen it was almost 7:30am. He pulled back and kissed Rebecca's forehead. "Look...i'm your best friend, and you know how much i love you and Saylor, so i want you to call or come to me when this happens ok? I promised you that i would always be here for let me fulfill my promise."

Rebecca nodded and smiled. "Thank you Colby." She pulled him into another hug before Saylor came over to her and wrapped her arms around Rebecca's leg. She bent down to the little girls eye level and pulled her into a hug. "Mommy will be back later to pick you up ok? And me, you, Colby and Pam can go to the park! Does that sound fun?"

Saylor smiled real big and nodded. "Yay! Park!" She clapped her hands and looked up at Colby who smiled down at her. "Are you ready to watch Mickey?"

Colby chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Of course. Go grab your princess blanket ok?" He then opened the door for Rebecca. "Have a good day Becks...i'll call if we need anything."

Rebecca smiled and kissed his cheek. "Love ya."

"Love you too Red." He then watched as she walked to her car and getting in before he finally closed the door releasing a small sigh. He couldn't wait for Rebecca to get out of that toxic relationship... mainly because she was getting abused and mistreated, but he also wanted to be the one who fixed her broken heart.

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