Chapter 23

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"Becks?! Are you ok?" Matthew asked hovering over her. Rebecca stirred and winced, holding her head. "You fell down the stairs!"

Rebecca squinted her eyes and rubbed her head. She knew what happened, and she sure as hell didn't fall. Matthew picked her up and carried her to the couch. "Stay there. I'm going to get you an ice pack."

Rebecca looked around and then let a tear slip down her cheek. "You pushed me! You pushed me down the fucking stairs Matt!"

He shook his head and ran back into the living room handing her an ice pack. "Rebecca you tripped love, I never pushed you."

He gently laid the ice pack on her head. "Matthew I'm not stupid you pushed me down the stairs!"

"Rebecca honey it was all an accident ok? You fell..." He caressed her stomach while holding the ice pack on her head.

"Matthew...I felt your hands on me. You pushed me down the stairs." She stated coldly.

He shook his head and kissed the spot on her head that was hurting. "I'm pretty sure you fell, but I'm sorry if you think I pushed you." Rebecca scoffed. "I'm sorry Rebecca, it will never happen again. I tried to catch you but you were already tumbling down but he time I moved."

Rebecca looked down at her stomach while Matthew kissed her head multiple times. "I'm going to go get you some water."

"And that's when he first hit me." Rebecca said wiping a tear off of her face.

Colby teared up listening to the story. He knew Matthew abused her, but Rebecca never told him about this. "C, you ok?" Saylor asked patting his cheek.

Colby nodded and kissed her cheek. "I'm ok little love."

Mercedes nodded sympathetically. "Thank you for sharing that Rebecca. Now you said that he said that he would never hurt you again, and as we all know that wasn't true. When was the next time he hurt you?"

Rebecca took a deep breath. "Well, uhm it was a few months after I gave birth to Saylor..."

3 years ago
Rebecca had just gotten Saylor down to sleep for the night, when Matthew came home. "Hey. Be kind of quiet I just got her asleep."

Matthew scoffed and looked around the house. When he got closer to Rebecca, she knew he had been drinking. "Why is the house a wreck?" He asked sitting his phone and keys down on the side table.

Rebecca ruffled her messy bun and chuckled. "It's been one of those days."  Matthew nodded and pressed his lips together. "Where have you been?"

Matthew scoffed and rubbed at his eyes. "Oh my god. Here we go with the overprotective shit." Rebecca's eyebrows furrowed. "I was at the bar."

Rebecca nodded. "Yeah I can tell..."

Matthew turned around and laughed. "Yeah, I mean I had to do something. My girlfriend is a lazy bitch."

Rebecca's mouth dropped. "Lazy bitch? I've been working all day Matt..."

"I'm not talking about THAT kind of lazy. I'm talking about your appearance." He leaned against the back of the couch looking at her. "You've let yourself go man. I'm embarrassed to even be seen with you. You've gained a bunch of weight and you're a complete mess. You're hideous Rebecca, so i went and hung out with decent women."

Rebecca frowned and wrapped her arms around her body. "Uhm..."

Matthew chuckled. " all you have to say?" Rebecca looked down at her self as tears welded up in her eyes. "You should start going to the gym with me. You need to loose all that pregnancy fat."

Rebecca nodded and let a tear slip down her face. "What? Can't handle the truth?" She wiped at her face. "Jesus Rebecca don't cry. I was just joking with you. You know I'm just looking out for you."

He took a step closer to her before wrapping his arm around her waist. "Becks? Are you seriously crying?"

Rebecca scoffed and pushed him away. "Yes Matthew! Why the hell would you tell me that? I've had a rough couple of months dealing with a newborn, so I'm sorry that I'm not as "hot" as I used to be. I'm a mother now, and my body has went through a lot of changes!"

"Rebecca love! I was just joking I'm sorry for making you mad." Matthew shook his head and leaned down the kiss her forehead. "You're still hot Becks."

Saylor started crying which is what made her look away from him. "There's leftover pizza in the fridge. I'll be upstairs." She said moving away from him quickly and running up the stairs.

"That's when he started verbally abusing me." Rebecca stated. "It was the second time he hurt me. I know that he didn't physically hit me, but hearing those words come out of his mouth was like a punch to the gut. It hurt me really bad, and I've struggled with my body since then."

Mercedes nodded and looked over at Matthew giving him a death stare. "You see, your honor, Matthew has abused Ms. Quin time and time again, and she's tired of it." Mercedes looked down at her paper and looked over at Rebecca. "You ran away on April 27th correct?"

Rebecca nodded. "Correct."

"Can you tell us what he did to make you leave?" Mercedes asked.

"Well, he was still being abusive, and I was just getting tired of it. Saylor was starting to notice what was going on, and I couldn't let her go through the torture he put me through. So after we got into a big fight and he hurt me really bad, I packed two bags, went and got Saylor, and we escaped. I went to the person i trusted the most and that is who we are staying with till this day."

Mercedes smiled and nodded. "Thank you for your time Ms. Varnando and Ms. Quin." The judge said. "Now, let's here from Mr. Matthew."

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