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Ester's POV

I hoist myself up onto the drainpipe my boots gripping either side. Tewksbury gives me an encouraging smile and a cute little wink before running off to start setting up our escape. I start the climb upwards easily making my way towards the second floor window. I clamber easily onto window ledge catching the end of Sherlock and Enola's conversation.

"I am here because I care for you!" Sherlock shouts emotion in his voice.

I quietly hoist myself into the room the window, trying to make as little noise as possible to not distract their conversation.  "Your being emotional." Enola comments a small smile on her face. Not noticing my appearance behind her. 

I quietly sit down on the window seat ready to I interrupt, she told me Sherlocks little 'no emotion' speech time and time again before. So it's not surprising that I know it off by heart. It isn't also not surprising that she is reciting the words back at him, she has been dying to throw those very words back in his face the second they came out of his mouth. "Its understandable-"

I cut her off before she can finish the sentence, a small smile placed on my face "But unnecessary."

She swings around her eyes coming into contact with my outfit before me. When she finally reaches my face she has a massive smile on her face. Before she lunges at me and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around her frame squeezing her just as hard. Enola Holmes, how I have missed your company.

"Ester, why are you here?" She asks the excitement gleaming in her voice.

"I promise I would get you out didn't I?" I ask a teasing look on my face"I am sorry it took me some time, I had to make the perfect plan and get your idiotic brother's help."

"Idiotic?" Gasps Sherlock from his spot near the desk, definitely offended by my words.

"Dull minded." I comment "Enola when I first met him he read me all wrong said I was offering him a case. How stupid?"

"If I am so stupid, have you both solves the case yet?" Sherlock asks looking between me and Enola.

"Not yet." Enola comments her smile falling getting lost in thought. 

Causing me to add "But you haven't either."

"Well, the only advice I can give you both. One detective to another." Sherlock exclaims a soft smile on his face as he looks between me and Enola"Sometimes you must dangle your feet in the water to attract the sharks."

He nods at both of us going to leave. Placing a kind hand on Enola's shoulder before doing so.  

"Sherlock?" I ask as he reaches for the door, he freezes spinning on his heels an intrigued look on his face. "Thank you for your help."

He smiles at me, a real proper smile that fills most of his face. "Your welcome. If you ever need it again, you do know where I live."

"I will keep that in mind." I reply.

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