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Shu groaned as he woke up to the sun shining in his face, he huffed out in annoyance and sat up then let a yawn escape past his lips. He reached over grabbing his phone and read the time. '10:25am.' Suddenly a text from Ike popped up on his screen.

Blue Burb𖥸
Good morning Shu! I added you in a group chat with some of the other guys. Don't forget to text in it.

Shu opened his text and responded back to him before clicking on the group chat Ike had mentioned.


This Was A Mistake...

Blue Burb(Ike)
Morning Guys!

Cat Thief(Alban)

It's too damn early for this.

Tea Kettle(Fulgur)
Uki it's 10

Exactly, too early.

Sonny The Sun(Sonny)

Dj Booth(Yugo)

Vox In a Box(Vox)
I agree with Uki, it's way too early for this.


Why the hell are you guys up so early?

Good morning

The Yellow dude(Luca)
Morning. Also do you guys not wake up early?

Hell no.

Ike why did you make this?

Blue Burb
Because I was going to ask if you all wanted to come over and stay the night

Sonny The Sun
Sure, what time?

Blue Burb
Any time is fine, just make sure you guys bring some of your school work because we'll be studying~

......this is torture.

Tea Kettle
Come on Uki it'll be fun


Cat Thief
I'll be there in a bit!!

Me two

Blue Burb
Alright see you guys when you get here.


Shu turned his phone off and sat it back down on his bed then got up going into his bathroom in order to get ready. He spent 10 minutes in his bathroom before going over to his closet, getting dressed into a tan sweater and black plaid pants. He grabbed his duffel bag off his shelf then started packing the necessaries he needed for the night at Ike's house.

After he got done he slung his bag onto his shoulder then grabbed his phone along with his charger and headed downstairs. Once he got down there he saw his father sitting on the couch watching a football game.

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