「 19 」

354 19 9

The sound of an alarm blaring could be heard throughout the once quiet room, inevitably the noise quickly woke up the two sleeping people.

Shu slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes trying to make the sleepiness go away, he looked over at the still blaring alarm clock and turned it off sighing in relief at the comforting silence.

He looked over at the blonde only to see him sitting up with his eyes closed, it seemed he fell back asleep while sitting up. Shu quietly laughed before reaching over and shaking the blonde awake.

Luca woke up and sleepily got out of the bed making his way over the door, he left out of the room and went to the respective room he was currently staying in. After going in the room he made his way over to the bathroom in order to freshen himself up.

Finally being fully awake Luca left out of the bathroom going over to the closet where his bag was placed and opened it grabbing out a white long sleeved shirt, a tan sleeveless shirt and a pair of blue ripped jeans before getting dressed into them. He had the tan shirt on over the white shirt while both the ends of the shirts were tucked into his pants.

He grabbed a black leather belt and put it on before grabbing his backpack and left out of the room going downstairs and into the kitchen seeing Shu sitting at the table eating whilst a plate of food was sat in front of him, not wasting anymore time he sat down at the table and began eating.

Eventually they both got done eating, Shu grabbed their dirty dishes and quickly washed them before grabbing his bag and left out of the house after Luca. The shorter locked the door then went over to the blonde's car getting in the passenger seat and put on his seatbelt and watched as the blonde reversed the car out of his driveway then began driving towards the direction of their school.

Finally making it to school Luca parked the car in an available spot. Once they both got out of the car Luca made sure it was locked before walking towards the entrance of the school with Shu by his side.

Upon entering the school together it seemed everyone had their eyes glued to them. Shu began to feel uncomfortable by the many stares he was receiving and it didn't help that the further they walked down the hallway together the more people would stare.

Shu reached over and tugged at Luca's sleeve, gaining his attention.

Yes Shu?

Umm.. I'm gonna head to class now. See you later.❞ The shorter said before disappearing in the crowd of kids.

Luca stood there for a moment confused before continuing his way down the hallway and went over to the locker's where Ren and Sonny had been standing at while they conversate.

Hey guys.❞ He greeted them.

Hey Luca.❞ They said simultaneously.

Sonny stared at him and said. ❝Your here early, how come?

That's because I came here with Shu and his house isn't that far from the school.❞ The blonde replied.

Hearing this a wide smirk was plastered on both Sonny and Ren's faces.

You came here with Shu huh? So this means you're together.❞ The black haired boy teased.

A blushed spread across the blonde's face from the comment. ❝No we're not together.

Oh come on, you have to be together. Why else would you come to school so early with someone who's supposed to be your crush.❞ Sonny stated.

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