「 6 」

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Shu walked down the hallway stuck in his thoughts. He couldn't help but to continue thinking about the way Luca acted towards him yesterday. As far as he knows enemies don't apologize to each other.

Why are we even enemies in the first place? It's not like he bullies me or anything, this is just stupid.❜ He thought.

Hey Shu what you thinking about?❞ Shu looked over to his right and saw Ike.

Oh hey Ike, and nothing important.❞ He retorted.

You sure? It doesn't entirely seems like nothing.❞ Ike said.

Yea it wasn't anything important.

Ike stared at him skeptically for a few seconds before brushing it off, ❝Alright then have you seen Luca anywhere?❞ He asked and Shu shook his head in response.

Did someone say my name?❞ A familiar voice said from behind the two catching them both off guard and scaring them senseless.

Ike stopped walking and whipped his head around to face Luca, ❝What the fuck Luca! This is the second time you nearly gave me a heart attack.❞ He cursed.

Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,❞ Luca said. ❝Anyways I heard my name. Why?

Because I said it.❞ Ike told him.

Oh alright.❞ Luca said then glanced over in Shu's direction before walking away down the hallway leaving the two standing there dumbfounded.

Wow he could have at least said bye before just leaving like that.❞ Ike grumbled.

Shu smiled and shook his head, ❝It's alright Ike.❞ He said.

Oh by the way, aren't you two supposed to be meeting today during lunch?❞ Ike asked.

We were but he said he has a test to take during lunch so he won't be able to come, but we're going to a cafe after school so I can still help him study.❞ Shu explained.

Ike nodded then spoke, ❝Well then I'll see you around Shu. Have a good day.❞ He said showing him a smile.

See you and have a good day as well.❞ Shu said showing him a smile.

Ike waved at him before turning around and headed in the opposite direction down the hall to go where he needed. Shu sighed after watching Ike disappear around a corner then continued making his way down the hallway.


The day had now ended for all classes and kids didn't hesitate to hurry out of their classrooms in order to leave the school, but Shu on the other hand just walked out of his classroom and began heading towards the school's football field.

Shu finally made it to the field after a few minutes of walking and he wasted no time and headed over to the bleachers to sit down. Once he reached the bleachers he stopped walking and stared at the four people that sat there.

What the heck are you guys doing here?❞ He said aloud catching all of their attention.

Oh hey Shu, what are you doing here?❞ Shoto asked.

I came here to wait for Luca, because after he finishes with practice we're going to a cafe in order to study.❞ He answered as he sat down next to Uki.

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