「 20 」

445 24 22

The sound of a phone ringing blared throughout the quiet and dark room. The sound caused the person in bed to groan in annoyance as they were forced awake.

The person sat up against the headboard of the bed before grabbing the phone, they immediately answered it without looking at who was calling which made that person deeply regret the choice once the other end of the call connected.


The said person pulled the phone away from his ear after having to hear his mother's screeching voice blast in his ear.

He huffed in annoyance then placed the phone back against his ear. ❝Yes?

Where are you?!❞ She yelled again.

Luca grimaced at the sound, ❝I'm at a friend's house..❞ He replied.

He heard her scoff, ❝Why are you there? Did you ask me or your father if you could go to their house?!❞ She seethed.

I'm 17. I don't understand why I have to ask when you two don't even care about me enough in the first place.❞ The blonde spat.

Do not talk back to me. I am your mother. Get back home. Now.❞ That was the last thing she said before the call ended.

Luca groaned and threw his phone at the end of the bed, he ran his hands down his face then began gripping at his hair. He was beyond stressed, and having to hear her scream at him for escaping such a toxic place he unfortunately had to call home, was making him not want to go home even more. Being there made his mood drop to the lowest point. Never getting any sleep due to his parents consistent nagging and yelling and even having to put up with their constant hitting. He wanted so badly to just run away forever and never look back, but he couldn't do that, he couldn't leave Alban and Yotsuha behind with their awful parents. He didn't want them to go through what he's going through.

So in the end the blonde decided to stop sulking and got out of bed going over to the bathroom. He quickly washed up then left out and grabbed his duffel bag making sure he had all his clothes, then grabbed his phone and keys.

He swung the bag over his shoulder and quietly left the room, as he headed towards the staircase he stopped in front of a door. He sadly gazed at it before deciding to leave quietly. He left the house going over to his car and got in after unlocking it. He threw his bag in the passenger seat then sat there staring ahead not bothering to crank up the car.

He gripped the steering wheel, his hold only tightening the more he sat in silence and let his thoughts run wild. He knew leaving out of the blue and not leaving a message would seem rude but he couldn't bring himself to text the obsidian haired boy, so he just decided to crank up his car and head to the one place he dreaded going to the most. Home.


The sun shined brightly inside the room thus waking up the sleeping figure that had been peacefully asleep.

Shu lazily sat up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand as he yawned. He sat there for a minute blankly staring into space before deciding to get out of bed.

Going into the bathroom, he did what he needed before leaving and going into his closet picking out a simple outfit of; a black turtleneck sweater and black ripped jeans. After getting dressed he grabbed his bag, phone and backpack before heading downstairs and into the kitchen where he saw his father sitting down at the table enjoying breakfast.

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