「 11 」

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Luca stared down the empty hallway ahead of him as he walked. He was exhausted, he hadn't gotten any sleep that night and decided that he would sleep in for a bit and go to school late but unfortunately he wasn't able to get any sleep at all.

He covered his mouth with his hand as he yawned, tears building up in the corner of his eyes. He wiped them away and continued making his way down the hall. As he turned the corner the sound of someone constantly sneezing caught his attention.

He stopped walking and seen the back of someone as they leaned into their open locker, he squinted his eyes trying his best to see who the person was. Within a few seconds he recognized the person as Shu. He heard as he began to sneeze so he opened his bag and pulled out the extra hoodie he had packed just in case it had gotten any colder by the end of the day. He faltered for a moment before walking over to the shorter boy.

Hey Shu.

The multicolor haired boy turned around at the sound of his name, ❝Yes?❞ He answered.

Luca hesitated before speaking, ❝Here, you can wear this if you want.❞ He handed him the hoodie.

Oh, thank you.❞ Shu said as he grabbed the hoodie; It was just a plain dark yellow hoodie.

Shu took off his backpack setting it on the floor before putting on the hoodie, it stopped around his mid-thigh considering the height difference between Luca and himself. He noticed it smelled like peppermint along with a cinnamon scent, he unconsciously smiled as the scent continuously hit his nose.

A small blush dusted Luca's face as he seen the smile on Shu's face after he noticed the hoodie was so big he had sweater paws.

Luca cleared his throat catching the latter's attention, ❝I uh.. are you alright now?❞ He asked.

Yea I am, thanks again for the hoodie.❞ Shu replied, his face turning a light shade of pink.

No problem.❞ An awkward silence fell over the two, both of them avoiding making eye contact with each other.

Luca finally spoke up after a minute of silence gaining his attention. ❝I'm gonna.. head to class now.

Shu nodded then waved and said. ❝Later.

Luca smiled and waved back, ❝See you around.❞ That was the last thing he said before turning around and began walking towards his class.

He watched as the blonde began to get further and further away until he eventually disappeared around a corner. Shu heaved out a sigh before he turned his attention back to the hoodie he was wearing, he smiled as he hugged it closer to himself now feeling warmer than what he did a couple of minutes ago.

He was so caught up with the hoodie that he didn't hear two people walking up behind him.

Hey Shu.

The called boy flinched at his name suddenly being called from behind him, he turned around and faced the two people who had snuck up on him. He stared at them dumbfounded before speaking.

Hey Elira, hey Millie.❞ He greeted the two girls.

What are you doing out of class?❞ Elira asked.

I came to my locker to grab my jacket but then I forgot I didn't bring it today.❞ He answered.

Millie looked at him confused, ❝So if you forgot your jacket at home then.. who's hoodie is that?❞ She said.

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