Rant: Whereas Reality Shatters Hopes and Dreams

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Dedicated to all them motherfuckers and bitches out there, 'cept motherfucking Wattpad won't let me dedicate a story to a non-Wattpadian anymore. Motherf*ckers.

I don't even know why I'm writing this besides I need to get it out of my system... Enjoy or get depressed by it. (Still don't get why people enjoy me screaming my heart out in words, but whatever.)

Also, this rant was set off by me and my bro dominating the world and destroying it with the disease Hope in the game Plague Inc., and feeling proud because we beat the game, when my dad just realized (several days late) that my glasses are broken and yelled at me for it (My friend broke it... Not that he cared.) and for not telling him. <I'll make another rant later about that, too. Just so you realize the irony of my bro and I spreading the killing disease Hope across the world right before this.


In case you haven't noticed, reality is a horrible, terrible thing, and it's real.

Your dreams and hopes mean absolutely nothing outside of fictional worlds.


What the hell is so alluring and attracting about completely shattering another person's hopes and dreams?

A person feels good about themselves. Why is it absolutely, completely important to mess with that? Why is it just so against the rules of life to actually feel good about yourself, when practically the rest of the time is spent hating yourself and knowing that you are pathetic and useless? Yes, you mean nothing to this world, and if you suddenly disappeared life would go on and very few people in this world would actually know and even less care (this is true, btw, seriously, if you think about it; if you died, life would go on), but you have - had, now - a brief moment, a tiny millisecond, where you felt you actually mattered, that you had done something great or that someone cared about you or that you had a bright, happy future in front of you.

That moment when all of your dreams, even the wildest impossibly crazy ones, seem not only possible but so simple and easy to reach. That little flash of time where your heart is completely weightless and you haven't a care in the world. That glorious minute where you're laughing too hard to ever stop or even care that people are staring at you like you're insane, because you are and that's okay and perfect and everything is just perfect and blissful and there is no such thing as darkness in this world.

Well, guess what. Your dreams are impossible, and your future is dim and depressing. Your heart is now filled with lead, and you have homework, upcoming tests, future careers, high standards, family expectations, and grades that you should worry about. You need to stop laughing because that has just been made illegal, you are too insanely dangerous to be around, darkness not only exists but dominates this world which is not perfect or even blissful.

How do you feel now? Wonderful? Still happy? Still carefree?


That's how it feels, father, mother, friend, leader, random stranger.

Feels amazing, doesn't it?

Feels just like sunshines and smiley faces, roses and pink auras, doesn't it?





Seriously, if I actually did something in my life that I can be proud of myself for, which is seriously hard, even if it's something stupid like beating a game or writing a bunch of words that will never be read by anyone, LEAVE ME AND MY PRIDE ALONE.

And I don't even mean sarcastic remarks and stuff. Sometimes my friends do that - "I remembered my locker combo!" "Oh, wow, amazing!" *sarcastic clapping* - but I can just sort of feel their pride, I can tell that they are still actually proud of me, or at least happy for me, in their sincere grin and shiny eyes. I'm talking about serious, bitch-I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-this drop-downs:

"Mommy, I managed to write two thousand words today, I'm on track for NNWM!" "Yeah, good for you, why weren't you doing your homework instead?" "Oh. Okay..."

"Yes! Brother! We successfully destroyed the entire world! Hope has killed all human beings!" >inserts angry dad< "GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK! WHY ARE YOUR GLASSES BROKEN? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? WHY'D YOU GET LESS THAN A NINETY-EIGHT ON THIS TEST? GET OFF OF THE TABLET! GO DRINK YOUR MILK!" "Well, fuck you too..."

Seriously. Motherduckin' glassmole beaches.

I just don't get it. I made sarcastic comments too, but I still congratulate them and I still actually feel proud of them and take time to give them a true grin and a "Good job, although >insert sarcastic remark<" Unlike these annoying people that just diss it, piss on it, and toss it without even bothering to acknowledge it.


Two good things about today though:

1) it rained, hallelujah

2) during P.E. and Health, me and a guy who are in the same class for both periods came up with a way to flip people off in five different ways all at once (American, French, British/Russian, Chinese, and Indian, although the Indian one is kinda sketchy) So now I can flip people off in several ways without them knowing what I mean, and I can flip them off five times at once when I'm specially pissed off. Isn't that wonderful? :D

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