AAM: What is a best friend?

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Okay, so I apologize if you don't fit all these descriptions and are not my best friend. This is just how I have always imagined a best friend would be and how the person I consider my best friend right now is. And there's a little cussing, but not in an angry way.

I've struggle for almost all of my life to completely understand the concept of friendship. I mean, sure, it's a bond between two people, but is there a line between friends and foes, friends and crushes, friends and family? Can boys and girls really be friends? Does age matter in friendship? What is stronger, friendship or romantic relationship? What are more important, friends or family?

Some questions have been answered, and some haven't. But, in sixth grade, I truly understood for the first time what a best friend is. Sixth grade was when I realized I'd been acting like a total bitch to the two girls who would become awesome friends of mine for no reasonable reason. And the year when we started being good friends-ish, minus the rocky moments of remembering the past.

It was awesome. I got in trouble for water fights, half the sixth grade thought I was completely insane, and one of the friends got completely fed-up up with the antics of me and the other friend - we crossed playground borders and pretended to be reporters and asked whether or not people had been potty trained XD.

I can say, without a doubt, that was the best and craziest year of my life so far.

Also, during that time, I think I've realized what a best friend is.

First off, a best friend's definition varies from person to person. So here's my definition.

A best friend isn't that person who is either always at your house or you are always at their's. I mean, get real. No one has that time or those kind of parents. But the time spent at a best friend's house is wonderful and blissful, no matter how short or long. It's the person whose house is first raided for favorite foods, then rocked by fighting and laughter. Your time at a best friend's house is comprised of: 20% making either brilliant jokes or ridiculously corny and pathetic puns - there is no in between, 30% laughing, and 60% trying to stop laughing. And they'll do the craziest shit with you, unashamed - have a fashion show with stuffed animals as clothing in your front yard, have a water fight on the roof while trying to eat, or sneaking onto a neighbor's backyard wall.

A best friend is that person who you never, ever get tired of being with, even if it's the whole day. You can spend a whole week with them and still be okay, unlike those others that you enjoy being around but still get tired of after twelve hours or so.

A best friend can cheer you up with a single text message when you're blubbering so much you refuse to see anyone. A best friend knows your woes and cheers you up, instead of depressing you even more by talking about it. A best friend knows how you like things to be done, and doesn't need to ask if you need anything to cheer up. A best friend sticks his/her filthy fingers in the sides of your mouth and stretches your lips to force you to smile. A best friend is that person that you insult every second you get, and with whom you have a thousand secret insults that nobody else would understand - Mafassitch? Mafuttbole? What the hell? - and a whole book of shameful moments to use during arguments. A best friend is that person who has not only thought of but carefully planned out and meticulously plotted your murder, and just needs to wait for the right moment now. A best friend will never pick you up because they tripped you, never go all soft and baby you when you cry because they know you hate that, never ask for your food because they've already stolen all of it, never cry when you insult them because they're ready with an even worse insult.

A best friend will laugh at every joke you make because they are so corny and lame and old.

A best friend will happily argue with you for hours and never get the least bit angry.

A best friend will not be ashamed to twin with you, whether purposefully or on accident.

A best friend doesn't comment badly on your looks or clothing, not because they're being nice and sugarcoating, but because they honestly don't give a fuck about stupid shit like that.

Yeah... best friends are awesome.

I'd just like to say thanks to my best friend(s?) for sticking with me through all the annoyingness of the ages. Of course, it may be because they are even more annoying, but still. Right now, I have a closest friend and a best friend, and they are two very different things. If given the choice between spending time with either of them, I honestly would choose my best friend, for a more crazy, random shit-filled, enjoyable time with lots of laughter and I-can't-breathe's.

P.S. My brother just said "Let's go, girl" in a girly voice to me, when my dad told us to go do some chores, and now I am very creeped out. O_O

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