Bruce Wayne

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Peter Parker sat in the limousine across from Mr. Wayne. A surreal inverse of when he was in the limo with Mr. Knight. In a car sitting across from a person who he had no business being in the same car as. Except this time, the reason for being on the same car as Bruce Wayne is because Bruce Wayne is connected to Batman's seemingly endless web of allies. It bewildered the young detective that the poster boy of Gotham's high life shakes hands with the Batman, someone who fights the down and dirty while fighting on their level.

"I can guess that you're confused. About how I know the Batman, and how I help the Batman," Bruce Wayne said, immediately snapping Peter out of his quiet thinking. Also slightly unnerving the detective by seemingly reading his mind and figuring out what he was thinking in the moment.

"I mean...yeah I am wondering that. Seems so out of place for you to be associated with the Batman," Peter explained. Bruce Wayne smiled and nodded, leaning closer to Peter.

"I am one of Batman's liaisons into Gotham's upper crust. A lot of people in Gotham's elite have something to gain from this city's corruption and crime. Which means that'd they have even more to lose should this city go clean, or a major player is taken off the board. I watch the movements of the big money players and relay that information and any potential leads to Batman so he can further investigate," Bruce explained. Peter was in awe, since it means that Batman is so aware of the depth of Gotham's corruption that he has allies in all of Gotham's social rings.

"That's quite a task you've been given, Mr. Wayne," Peter stuttered.

"Yeah it's a tough task, but I try to get it done. Since right now, with all of these strange moves in Gotham's underworld...things are getting shaken up fast. Some of the lower players are getting pushed to some desperate places, and I'm worried that the big money of Gotham will take advantage of that...and cause something like what happened to my parents as some sort of corporate power move," Bruce explained further, a sort of melancholy entering his voice. Peter caught on to the words being spoken, and recalled the knowledge about Bruce Wayne that he does know.

"So you think your family's deaths weren't an accident? You think it was planned? Someone called it?" Peter asked, drawing to the conclusion Bruce's words were insinuating. Before Mr. Wayne could answer, the limousine slowed to a stop.

"We've arrived sir," The driver announced, stopping the conversation and switching the subject.

"Well, we should get to work right? Take these and hide them in places that'll give Batman eyes in sensitive places and ears in private conversation. And don't be afraid to use those glasses that Batman gave you to grab as much footage as you can of Cape Carmine's more private records," Bruce instructed, reaching into his coat pocket and handing Peter 5 of Batman's plantable bugging devices. The small bat shaped devices, not too dissimilar to the one Batman pulled off of Peter's Spider-man suit when the two met in the apartment. Small, bat shaped, and with a small red indicator that shows it's activated while not giving away it's position. It was then that Peter realized something.

"Wait how did you know about the camera glasses?" Peter asked, realizing that no one had told Bruce Wayne about those glasses. Seemingly as fast as Peter realized this discrepancy, Bruce had an answer.

"Batman said you have them, and that you know how to use them. So he told me that you could get some up close and quality looks at the more intricately hidden files that Sophia might have hidden," Bruce Wayne explained. It made sense to Peter, since Batman and Bruce are connected to each other it would make sense that Bruce Wayne would be in the know about something Batman gave an ally. It makes too much sense as a matter of fact.

"Ok....yeah that makes sense," Peter said with an unsure tone in his voice. Still contemplating the super fast response time from Bruce Wayne. His thoughts changed when the two walked up to the front door of the Cape Carmine office. They were immediately greeted by the giantess daughter of Carmine Falcone, Sophia. Her wild and red hair going down to her back.

"Mr. Wayne, I'm glad that I received your call. It's a pleasant surprise that you're willing to discuss business with me," Sophia said as her look turned towards Peter.

"I believe you and detective Parker are familiar. If I recall, you're both on good terms with one another?" Bruce said, beginning a conversation.

"We are at an understanding. Our careers are influenced by the deaths of family," Sophia said. Peter remembered the day that understanding was formed between them. It was Peter's 2nd week at the GCPD, and Sophia was brought in to answer some questions. Every single one of the conventional interrogators were figured out by Sophia, so they decided to test Peter to see if he could do something. Peter Parker went in, the rest of the station thinking they were feeding their new upstart to a lion. Instead, they saw the mob boss and the young detective have an honest conversation.

They were sharing stories about their families, and they both left that room with an understanding of each other that not even the closest of Sophia's mafiosos had of her. They left that room as not friends, but at least something not too dissimilar to friends. Now, Peter has to try and test that connection they've formed by snooping around Cape Carmine to see if the Banedoleros are intentionally shipping Scarecrow's drugs to Santa Prisca for something.

So there may be some potential that the spider might be caught and meet the Falcone lioness yet.

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