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Rappelling carefully down from the ceiling on a line of webbing, Spider-Man was trying to overhear what the Banedoleros were talking about.

"We need to get this next shipment of Scare to our boys in Santa Prisca." The leader of the crew said, identifiable with the red highlights on his lucha mask over the eyes.

"Best place to try and move all of this and load it onto a boat would be loading into Cape Carmine." One of the others said.

"That's all the way across town, pendejo. We wouldn't be able to get across town without getting spotted by the Batman. Or this new spider whatever the fuck." The leader shot down. To which, Spider-Man had an idea. Batman messed with the enemies by scaring them half to death and exploiting the mistakes they make in their fear induced frenzies. So what if Spider-Man does the same...but by pissing them off to no end?

"I mean, you guys could try going to Blackgate Isle. Of course, that would be to turn all of you in to Blackgate Penitentiary," He quipped. The Banedoleros turned around in shock and surprise.

"Cómo coño se metió aquí?!" The leader cursed in shock, trying to run for an assault rifle. Spider-Man threw one of the Birdarang disks he took at the rifle, clipping the fingers of the leader and causing enough of a pain and holy to dissuade him from grabbing it.

"Ooh nice try, cabron. Unfortunately, one of you already rung for Batman. He'll be here in 5 minutes. make good with your masked muscly godfather because you won't be seeing him for a long time," He lied and joked, leaning against a steel girder.

There was suddenly complete chaos between the guys in the room. The leader trying to figure out who the hell called Batman, completely disregarding the possibility that the Spider-Man was lying. From the chaos, Spider-Man learned the names of the underlings. Pablo, Carlos, Donny and Jake were the names of the underlings.

"Which one of you was it?! Who called Batman?! We took a blood oath, you fucking swine!" The leader yelled freaking out.

"I didn't do it, I'm loyal to Bane! I promise!" Carlos pleaded.

"Wasn't me either. Please Dean, you have to believe us!" Pablo begged, now revealing that the leader's name was Dean. Then they all looked to Donny and Jake. Earlier while they were arguing, Spider-Man secretly grabbed two tablets of Scare of walked over to Donny and Jake. Pretending to pull the pills out of his belt and handing them to the two. Claiming they were anxiety pills to ease tensions. They both readily took the pills, and were unknowingly beginning to make themselves seem too suspicious. Cut back to now, as the Banedoleros all look to Donny and Jake. The two of them looked overly shifty, and panicked. Due to the effects of Scare, these two looked like the most guilty individuals in the room.

" was you two?" Dean asked, signalling Pablo and Carlos to grab their weapons and potentially kill the two of them. While they were arguing and Pablo and Carlos were slowly moving back, Spider-Man secretly slipped small web pellets into the chambers of each gun that would detonate as soon as the bolts got released.

"Kill these traitors!" Dean called out as the other two and grabbed the rifles. The released the bolt catches and then the bolts both slammed into the web pellets. Setting them off and filling the gun with thick webbing. Rendering the guns useless for as long as the webbing lasted. Spider-Man then webbing Carlos and Pablo's head and yanking back. Slamming them both against the wall and knocking them out. Then leaping over one of the crates of Scare and slamming Dean's head into the ground with momentum.

Donny and Jake were about to run away. Although a window shattered and a mass of darkness rushed in. In a swift movement that was almost too fast to react to, Batman knocked out the remaining two Banedoleros.

"Way to make an entrance, Batman," Spider-Man chuckled to the Dark Knight.

"You took out 3 of them. How did you do it?" Batman asked. Spider-Man pointed to the crate of Scare.

"Induced paranoia and rage by sewing discord, along with using some Scare to fuel the fire," Spider-Man explained.

"Good strategy, but you shouldn't have to rely on an outside resource to get the job done. We'll work on that," Batman slightly scolded. He looked up at the skylight, seeing the unlocked hatch.

"Lockpicks?" Batman asked as Spider-Man pulled out the pouch from his belt.

"Klom 32 piece Master Pickset Tooling System," Spider-Man said.

"Where did you find those?" Batman asked.

"4th drawer down from the workshop table. I guess you're always prepared in case your set breaks?" Spider-Man replied.

"Never be caught unprepared," Batman iterated.

"Alright sir. Let's get these guys to the station and get them processed. Maybe once Donny and Jake there snap out of their trip and come to consciousness, we could ask them what they were planning to do with the Scare," Spider-Man suggested. He was looking intently at those two in particular.

"Something on your mind?" Batman asked.

"Yeah...they were saying they needed to get this next shipment to Santa Prisca. Like this isn't the first shipment they managed to get off of Gotham. They were trying to figure out how to move it and where to take it to get it away from Gotham. They were considering Cape Carmine. Which means-"

"Which means we might need to have a talk with Sophia Falcone," Batman said, finishing Spider-Man's thought before it even fully came to the Spider himself.

"Y...yeah. It obviously won't be as easy as just drop in as Batman or swing through a window as Spider-Man. It won't even be easy to try and get a police interview with Sophia because the police don't have anything concrete to get involved with Cape Carmine, so I might not be able to get anywhere close. So Batman, have any other connections you can pull?" Spider-Man asked Batman. The Dark Knight had this inquisitive squint on his cowled face.

"I might have one. I think I can even get you in with me. You'll just have to follow along. Do you trust me?" Batman asked.

"You haven't exactly given me a reason not to, so whoever you have. Get them on the phone I guess. You'll know where to find me when it's time." Spider-Man replied, turning around to signal the other officers outside that the coast was clear.

"So when can I expect this connection of yours to-" Spider-Man tried to ask Batman, but when he turned back around Batman was gone without a trace.

"Well now I know how the commissioner feels..."

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