Fear Buster

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Tuning his mask to the police dispatch radio frequency, Spider-Man swung to the Diamond District.

"This is Spider-Man, 10-76 to the 10-93 on the Diamond District. My 10-77 is 10 minutes. All on scene, give me available 10-43," Spider-Man signaled out.

"10-4 Spider-Man, we have visual on the moving truck. Keeping visual," Officer Jeffrey Davis responded.

"You commanding officer in this, Davis?" Spider-Man asked as he barreled over another building and swinging faster onto a water tower.

"Yeah, hoping this goes by quick and easy. I promised Miles a night at the theater," Davis replied. Spider-Man leaps off the water tower and rolls onto a roof and bounds farther.

"What movie are you two going to watch?" Spider-Man asked as he slid down another roof.

"Miles wanted to do a double feature. The Equalizer movies," Davis responded. Spider-Man landed onto the rooftop above Davis's car. Seeing the quiet barricade that had been set up in the time since he left the station.

"Goddamn you guys set up fast," Spider-Man complimented as he crawled down the roof along the side of the building.

"10-40s are easier to set up. Especially in this neighborhood, hardly anyone lives here so we can set up without much noticing," Davis acknowledged as he looked at a picture of his son Miles that he has in his car. Hearing a tap on the window, Davis looked over and saw Spider-Man waving next to the car. Davis lowered the window and Spider-Man leaned a bit into the car.

"The Equalizer movies are a good choice. I'm personally more a fan of the Death Wish movies. Carl Bronson just has that flare, you know?" Spider-Man joked.

"Oh I watched those with my brother Aaron," Davis nodded.

"Good choice. So, what should I do? I'm on your command," Spider-Man asked, standing up from the car.

"Alright. I need you to sneak in through the roof. Keep us posted let us know when we can head inside," Davis commanded.

"Yes sir," Spider-Man said as he snuck behind the barricade and climbs up the side of the building and onto the roof. Pressing the central red button on his utility belt, the suit inverted colors to it's darker color scheme and traversed the rooftops to the building in question. Opening a compartment of his belt, he took out a smaller leather pouch. Opening the pouch, Spider-Man took out a couple small metallic rods.

"Hopefully Batman knows how to pick quality lockpicks," Spider-Man joked to himself as he slotted the picks into the lock of the roof access hatch. Putting his sister's lessons to use, Spider-Man swiftly undid the padlock. He slipped the lock off of the latches. Grabbing the hatch, Spider-Man carefully raised the hatch open, being careful to not make any unnecessary noise. Flexing himself down and around the ridge of the hatch, Peter put his hands out and found contact onto the ceiling. Pulling himself through the hatch, allowing his feet to find purchase onto the ceiling as well. Before he fully went into the building, he pushed his foot back. Feeling his foot stick onto the hatch and carefully pull it close behind him.

"Alright, Davis. I've infiltrated the building," Spider-Man whispered.

"Good job. I want to you to survey the scene, try and find and restrain Crane if you can. Let us know when it's safe to sweep the place," Davis instructed as Spider-Man crawled along the ceiling, expecting to see people wearing farmer outfits and Dr. Crane in his Scarecrow outfit. What he got though...was an entire room full of people wearing cargo pants, black muscle shirts and black and white luchador masks with red around the eyes. It wasn't Crane's organization of distributors...it was Bane's gang.

"Davis we have an issue. We aren't dealing with Scarecrow. We're dealing with the Banedoleros," Spider-Man muttered.

"The Banedoleros? Why do they have Crane's truck?" Davis asked.

"Not sure. I might need to signal Batman to come here. Crane I might've been able to deal with, but Bane's men have their own strain of Venom that they use. I don't think I can handle them myself," Spider-Man responded.

"We wouldn't be able to get the signal up in time before they try and make whatever move they're going to make," Davis relented as Spider-Man took out his receiver.

"I might be able to get him here. We'll need a few minutes though. Let me know if I should proceed," Spider-Man asked as he rubbed his thumb over a yellow button with a black bat symbol on it.

"You got the green light. Do your thing, Spider-Man," Davis confirmed.

"Alright. I'll be switching comm channels then. I'll be back," Spider-Man warned as he pushed the button. In the truck, the Spider-Tracer's red blinking light deactivating...before starting up again as a yellow blinking light.

"10-4 Spidey," Davis said as suddenly there was static as Spider-Man switched his mask's earpiece to the Batcomputer.

"Spider-Man to Batman. I repeat, Spider-Man to Batman," Spider-Man whisper called, waiting for the Dark Knight to answer.

"Batman here. I thought you were handling Crane's drug trafficking," Batman answered.

"I am, but the truck I bugged when I went investigating with Ghostmaker lead to a different development. The Banedoleros took the truck and the entire shipment of Scare that was in it," Spider-Man said, bringing Batman up to speed on the situation.

"I see your tracking signal. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Until then though, try to stay out of sight. The Banedoleros are cautious and won't take lightly to being discovered," Batman warned.

"Should I try to subdue any of them?" Spider-Man asked.

"Try to lead them away with distractions. Scare them then take advantage of the ones that go to investigate. Divide and conquer," Batman instructed.

"Understood," Spider-Man said as he switched channels back to the police channel.

"Batman's 10-77 is 5 minutes. Standby for the Batmobile. I'll try to cull the herd a little,"Spider-Man alerted.

"10-4. Good luck Parker, you might need it," Davis forewarned.

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