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Peter had been going back and forth between a workbench and his computer monitor. He had been watching videos from different channels about how to design the sort of device that he needs. How to wire and program knobs to function in such a small device, to try and mimick the functionality of Batman's more advanced equivalent.

Scrubber knobs from scrapped rotary encoders were being wired in to the handheld device. A screen from a fried GPS. Small radio transmitter and receiver boards placed inside the casing. Along with an infrared signal transmitter and receiver inside of it to handle those sort of systems. Turning an Atari 2600 button he's repurposed and labeled to say Execute. To cover as many bases as he could, he put in a 5 position slide switch next to the screen. Labelling it with shorthand for Infiltration, Sabotage, Frequency, Copy and Transmit. Once he fully designed the external modules, he needed to construct the circuit boards to facilitate all of these functionalities.

24 hours. Another full 24 hours went by as Peter Parker worked on an array of circuit boards and computer chips. Analyzing the Remote Gateway he was given and observing the programming of the Cryptographic Sequencing protocols, the code and signal receiving and duplication protocols and the system vulnerability exploitation protocols. Coding the boards how to  function and when to switch to and from each function. Using two back panels from salvaged phones as the shell for the device, assembling the pieces together. Watching the small screen come to life and testing some of the functions.

Going to the infiltration mode, Peter began testing with an old laptop he used to use to research things. It was password locked, which was perfect. Watching the small screen on the device, he saw it was cycling through different letters, numbers and symbols. Scrolling with the knobs, the cycling values began to slow down. Some of them locking in place as Peter made slower movements to fine-tune the process. Eventually, the password staring him in the face on the small screen. Pressing the button, he was shocked as the desktop of his old laptop was showing itself. It worked, he deciphered his old password on a handheld device. Slipping the device into his utility belt, Peter was happy with his development before he immediately collapsed from lack of sleep.

Getting a heavy amount of sleep for 3 more days, Peter Parker was only woken up by briefly stirring to consciousness. When he saw the towering shape of the Batman looming over him in the dark. He was startled awake and to his feet.

"AH! Sweet mother of Moses, what the fuck are you doing here Batman?!" Peter asked in surprise.

"Commissioner Gordon has been trying to get a hold of you. He has the press conference ready, he's just waiting for Spider-Man to show up," Batman explained. Peter nodded as he began getting his suit on, clipping his utility belt around his waist. Putting his suit top on and then capping it all off with the mask. Clasping his web shooters onto his wrist, Spider-Man leapt out the window and began swinging to the GCPD to handle the Press Conference concerning Spider-Man becoming a public ally to the GCPD like Batman is. Spider-Man landed on the rooftop, hanging upside down from the sign as he lowered himself down next to the commissioner.

The audience of reporters was surprised, with some scattered cheering.

"Hey commissioner! Sorry I took a bit. Spent all night making something unique," Spider-Man said as he flipped to his feet and let the web line go.

"Spider-Man will be joining Batman in public alignment with the GCPD to fight crime. Both will be classified as special agents of the GCPD, that will work alongside us with their once vigilante activities," Commissioner Gordon explained.

"Yes sir. Here to aid the men and women in blue!" Spider-Man announced.

"Spider-Man, why did you act in silence before today?" Jack Rider asked, shoving a voice recorder into Peter's face.

"Thought the Batman could use a bit of a break. He has the Joker and the like to deal with. Not even considering all the duties Batman has with the Justice League. I thought I should handle the smaller stuff so he doesn't have to drop everything and come running," He explained to the reporter.

"Were you trained by the Batman?" Another reporter asked.

"Still in the process of being trained and drilled on Batman and his methodology. It's difficult, I had to build this suit myself, and everything in this new utility belt of mine I had to build myself. The belt though is one of his newer prototypes. So I have some wiggle room to add my own touches to it," Spider-Man explained as he lifted his suit top enough to reveal the utility belt. The reporters snapping photos of the belt.

"Now that you're publicly operating, are you a member of the Justice League?" Jack Ryder asked once more.

"No no. Nowhere close to that. At most, might be Teen Titans level of superhero. Justice League though? Absolutely not," Spider-Man denied with laughter in his voice.

"What'll happen now that you've gotten the attention of Batman? Are you the new form of Batman's Robins?" Vicki Vale from the Gotham Gazette asked. That caught Spider-Man off guard, as he had never heard the name.

"Robins? Wait wait, what are Robins?" Spider-Man asked in confusion, looking around at the other officers around him. Renee Montoya leaned in and whispered to him that she would explain to him later.

"Welcome Spider-Man to the GCPD with open arms, and spread the word that Gotham is still safe with their wall crawling vigilante watching with the Dark Knight," Commissioner Gordon said into the microphone. The reporters were told to disperse, as the press conference was over. Spider-Man walked into the precinct, taking his mask off as soon as the door closed. He was taken off guard when there was a mystery man in the room with them. He had a pure white tuxedo with a white mask on. A small crescent moon on his forehead.

"Peter Parker, I presume?" The man asked, his voice was stern but compassionate. With a slight undertone of a British accent.

"Uh....yeah? I'm sorry, who are you?" Peter asked the man. The man walked up and shook his hand.

"My boy, I've made a special request to have you work directly with me. This is going to be a good way to break you into the world of detective work, so you can improve upon your own deductive abilities. A step up from any training you might have had before in the GCPD," The man explained without missing a beat.

"That doesn't explain to me who you are though?" Peter repeated.

"Of course, where are my manners? While we're working together, please call me Mr. Knight,"

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