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Spider-Man sat in the side seat of the Batmobile, dressing his wounds and bruises as Batman drove.

"You know, you could've told me that I was going to fight you along with the Justice League," Spider-Man said as he lifted his suit shirt, wrapping gauze around his bruised torso from when Wonder Woman clotheslined him.

"Being trained under me means you're going to need to be trained on all fronts. Including your inquisitive abilities," Batman replied simply.

"...Fair point. I guess I should've known what I was getting into with the World's Greatest Detective," Spider-Man said in a semi-joking manner. A hidden ramp opened up as the Batmobile drove down it, the ramp closing behind them. A darkness enveloping the two, the only light coming from the headlights of the car.

"Where are we going?" Spider-Man asked the Dark Knight. The Batman said nothing, instead letting the light at the end of the tunnel answer the webhead's question. A large sprawling cavernous network underneath Gotham City, even deeper than the sewer system. Effectively hidden from the rest of the city, at the center of it all was a large platform presumably for the Batmobile. Next to the platform, was a large computer terminal. With multiple monitors and multiple keyboards and multiple sources of data input and data output.

"This is the Batcave. My central base of operations, and where I keep an eye on everything criminal in Gotham City. Even the places where the GCPD can't legally reach," Batman explained, while Spider-Man was in awe at the scope of the cave.

As his eyes adjusted to the sudden influx of darkness then light, he saw more facets of the Cave. A full-on chemical lab, for analyses of compounds and developing of counter agents for various poinsons and toxins. Rooms filled with different contraband, older models of various pieces of villains equipment. A large table of mechanical and technological components with tools designed for precision construction for intricate mechanisms. Spider-Man could also see various mannequins with different Batman suits posted up on them. He looks to the left, there's a training arena with various metallic wing Chun dummies that had axises that could send the arms full circle to smack the user in the face if they weren't prepared.

"How has this gone unnoticed? The sound of the Batmobile's rumbling engine alone would let someone know that something is underneath the city," Spider-Man asked in stunned confusion.

"That's for me to know. And you to figure out," Batman enforced.

"Let me guess. I need to be the world's greatest detective to figure out the world's greatest detective," Spider-Man determined with a subtle nod from Batman. The Batmobile pulled to a stop on the platform, and we got out of the car.

"So this is where you spend your time before you deploy yourself?" Spider-Man said, looking around the cave.

"This is also where I perform all of my independent investigations, where I forward all of the evidence to the GCPD," Batman explained. Spider-Man went up to the Batcomputer and examining the monitors.

"With a bleeding edge supercomputer that allows for near instantaneous computational processes and forensic analysis of surveillance footage? Along with...what is this? An input plate for an electron microscope with an encyclopedic database of the periodic table and chemical analysis software?" He said, analyzing the various components of the Batcomputer. Batman grabbed what looked like a black box with a cable from a table and handed it to Spider-Man. Now that he had it in his hand, he saw that it was a...keypad? A keypad with a cord attached to it.

"Thank you?" He said in confusion.

"It's a Solid State Drive with a strong security encryption. It's passcode protected with a fingerprint scanner to confirm the code and decrypt the data inside. What's on the drive is for you to see and you alone," Batman explained. Spider-Man set the data drive onto the table, walking up to the table with the mechanical pieces.

"Should I get to work on updating my arsenal?" Spider-Man asked, pulling his mask off to reveal Peter Parker.

"That would be best. So I can see what you can do with more professional materials instead of just salvaged materials," Batman explained. Peter took his old web shooters and put them onto the table, beginning to dismantle them.

As Peter took apart the devices, Batman saw the common materials that composed the web shooters. The power sources was a coin battery, common for what would be expected for a wristwatch. The canisters looked like co2 canisters from common airsoft guns or bike tire inflating kits. The other materials look salvaged from junkyards and other devices, or made from scratch. To Batman, it was a miracle that these devices were able to hold themselves together under the extreme conditions Parker put them through.

"You assembled this on your own?" Batman asked Parker.

"Yeah. These...uh...these things getting an upgrade have been a long time coming," Peter replied nervously.

"So you've been upgrading your suit but not your web shooters?" Batman asked, examining the technology in the mask alone.

"Believe it or not, it was easier to actually change aspects of the suit than to try and reconstruct the small devices," Peter explains.

"I see. I'll leave you to this for now. There are pressurized cartridges in the left drawer, 2nd down," Batman said as he backed up, firing his grappling hook off into the solid stone ceiling before rappelling off into the dark. Peter Parker still working on the new and improved Spider-Man.

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