Roles to Play

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Peter was doing the dishes, deep in thought. The last few weeks, he's had closer and closer calls with Batman as Spider-Man. Batman keeps figuring out how to keep track of where he is, even when he swears that his suit's camouflage is functioning properly. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the flourishing cape by the window. He briefly looked outside the kitchen and saw the Batman towering in front of the window.

"...Would you like some coffee...Batman?" Peter asked nervously. He wasn't expecting to have anyone visit him, let alone Batman. The solitary glare gave Peter all the information he needed, and he promptly pulled a chair up by a table and sat down.

"Is there a problem?" Peter asked. Batman threw a manilla folder onto the table.

"I just want you to look through the information and confirm that this is all correct," Batman said. Peter was initially calmed, because he assumed that the information in that folder is extrapolated from what he gathered from the lawyer.

"Oh. Yeah sure, I'll just look through it all and tell you," Peter said nonchalantly. He grabbed the folder and opened it, his heart immediately sinking when he saw the first image. It was an image of his father, Richard Parker with an entire profile made about him. Everything about him was written onto the page. He turned the page, and his mother was on the next page. More pages got turned, and there were pages on Ben, May, everyone they knew and Peter himself at the end. With a small addendum, in bold text

Main suspect for the identity of Spider-Man

Peter was stunned to see this, this caught him the most off guard.

"Is all of this true?" Batman asked, the calm tone scaring Peter more.

"Yes...this is my family...most of these things about me is true...shockingly so for that matter. Hey, how did you know I used to be friends with the Osborn family?" Peter asked him.

"Before your parents became spies, your father was a whistleblower for Oscorp. Exposed the shady channels that some of the funding for the dicier projects came from. Such as the-"

"Genetically modified spiders..." Peter finished, unconsciously rubbing a spot on the back of his neck. Where the spider that gave him his powers bit him all those years ago...a week before his family got gunned down.

"You know about them?" Batman asked.

"I got bit by one a long time ago. I just felt dizzy for a few days after that. It went away was nothing," Peter said.

"And then your family got gunned down after you had a headache days after the dizziness subsided. Correct?" Batman asked. It was then that a possibility set into Peter's mind...a possibility that scares him.

"Batman, what are you implying with this? With this extensively detailed profile about me, my family, my responsibilities within the's almost like you think-,

"You're the Spider-Man," Batman said, completing the thought.

"Hypothetically...let's say I was the Spider-Man. What evidence would you have to suggest this? What did you dig up to put this theory together?" Peter asked, trying to figure out where the weaknesses lie in what he thought was a flawless duality. What parts bled out that left a trail to lead the Batman to figuring him out.

"Well for one, the timing seems to line up shockingly well. Peter Parker joins the GCPD as an unassuming detective that works mainly through a desk. While Spider-Man shows up out of nowhere, restraining criminals and calling the GCPD with silent calls," Batman initially said. Peter secretly nibbled the inside of his cheek nervously. The time he spent operating as Spider-Man, he had a unconscious critique of himself that he brought both of his sides out to Gotham too quickly. If he had waited to bring Spider-Man in later...or sooner...then someone wouldn't be able to make a timeline of events to connect them.

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